The Left rejects science, logic, and morality to stake out an absolutist position on abortion

Premature baby feetPETA famously produces ads comparing animals to humans.  These ads work because PETA understand that people feel incredible compassion for animals, especially if they’re cute animals.

Additionally, the people most likely to feel this incredible compassion for animals are those who spring from the Leftier side of the political spectrum.  I’m sure that are conservative vegetarians, but I haven’t met any.  We may adore our dogs and cats, but we’re not averse to a nice steak or roast turkey.

The vegetarians I know are all Progressives.  Eating animals is cruel and bad, they say.

Funnily enough, this Leftist sensitivity doesn’t extend to humans when they look like animals.  Two posters illustrate this.  I found the first on the Facebook page of a Leftist friend; the second I found on the internet while searching for images of fetal development:

Abortion for the left

Which embryo is human

Certainly, at two-and-a-half weeks, human embryos are indistinguishable to the untrained eye from other mammal embryos. But isn’t the Left always lecturing us about b eing inhuman if we don’t care for the animals. Well, unsurprisingly, it turns out that in modern Leftist world, when all animals are equal, it’s the human animal that’s less equal — and less deserving of protection — that others. As a friend always says of the Left, if they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

To take this whole thing a step further, I have two more posters for you. The first shows fetal development in the first trimester:

Carnegie stages

After eight weeks pass, that fetus looks pretty damn human to me. Could my Facebook friend — who’s a biologist — not project just a month ahead to understand that the little wormy thing that she can’t conceive of as a potential human is just weeks away from becoming recognizably human? The second shows how swiftly that fetus begins to look like the baby who turns into the boy in that first poster:


For more about the unscientific thinking of those on the Left, this article attacking Bill Nye’s logical fallacies and scientific errors is useful.

Again, I’m not hardcore pro-Life. I recognize that there are certain situations in which abortion has a place. What I’ve come to hate, though, is the Left’s deliberate moral and scientific blindness, and most of all I hate the Left’s death cult when it comes to abortion. It is these profoundly disturbing attitudes that keep driving me further and further into the arms of the pro-Life crowd.