The Bookworm Beat 6/15/16 — the illustrated edition and open thread

Bad times make for good cartoons and posters — and I’ve got the proof:

Guns AR15 just a black rifle

Gun lower crime like Obamacare lowered insurance rates

Guns NRA Koran

Obama war on guns

Guns dangerous cheeseburgers

Guns gun free zone needs guns

Guns conservatives not violent

Gender terrified father in girl's bathroom

Gender Bill Clinton as first lady

Gender girls are targets

Gender no money for food bathrooms

Gender Bill Clinton likes bathrooms

Gender bathroom fire hydrant

Gender new bathroom signs

Gender bathrooms too late

Gender animal abuse to misgender animals

Gender Titanic

Islam violence

Obama trashes Trumps foreign policy

Obama terrorism Bill Ayers

Obama federal background checks

Obama angry at Trump not terrorists

Hillary supporters are America's enemies

Hillary server trouble

Hillary emails

Hillary Bill chose other women

Hillary FBI investigation

Hillary first F president

Trump on Orlando attack

Trump Little Trump Pancake House

Israel no blame in Kurdistan

Israel a tale of two partitions

Politicians how they work

Election The political parties in a single chart

Politicians Truman on getting rich

Stupid Leftists Mexican flag

Stupid leftists gorillas matter no one else does

Stupid leftists rescue Muslims not Americans

Stupid leftists Mark Steyn denying reality

Stupid Leftists vaginas

Stupid leftists islam misogyny

Silly volkswagen pun

Silly you matter pun

Silly atoms make up everything

Silly formaldehyde

Silly need tudoring

Silly circus freak of future

Silly the junk drawer

Silly Medical School Graduation Gowns