Paris Accord: Trump’s brilliant speech explaining why we’re out of it
With his brilliant speech explaining why the U.S. is walking away from the Paris Accord, Donald Trump has joined the ranks of America’s greatest presidents.
(The speech begins at the 1 hour, 4 minute mark.)
I wrote a letter to the President:
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Not just for pulling out of that disastrous Paris accord but also for explaining to Americans precisely why you opted to walk away.
If you had just defeated Hillary, it would have been enough.
If you had just defeated Hillary and gotten Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, it would have been enough.
If you had just defeated Hillary, gotten Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, and begun the job of shrinking the federal bureaucracy, it would have been enough.
If you had just defeated Hillary, gotten Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, begun the job of shrinking the federal bureaucracy, and walked away from the Paris Accord, it would have been enough.
But that you also spoke directly to the American people explaining precisely the sham behind the claimed “climate” goals of the Paris Accord, as it does nothing useful to limit so-called greenhouse gasses; the way the Paris Accord has always been targeted to destroy America’s economy; the way the Paris Accord damages America’s lifestyle; the unconstitutional way the Paris Accord forces America to give up her sovereignty; the way the Paris Accord takes money from America and sends it to countries that take our jobs and pollute, a despicable form of backdoor redistribution . . . well, I have no words.
Your speech was brilliant. Beyond brilliant. You need to talk more often directly to the American people. The Progressive elites will never listen but ordinary Americans will. You don’t talk down to them. You talk to them with love, compassion, understanding, and common sense.
Yes, you were elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris, and darned if you’re not doing just that.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
(For those of you wishing more information about the whole shoddy climate change sham and the disastrous burdens the Left wants to place on the U.S. because of this scam, go here.)