Well, No, We Won’t Always Have Paris — Thank Goodness!
President Trump lived up to his promise to walk from the Paris Climate Accord, and did so with a magnificent speech about economics and sovereignty.
The Paris Accord was a terrible agreement. It was designed to redistribute the wealth of the West — and particularly the U.S. — to the UN and to set the stage for an international legal framework enforcing the fraudulent green agenda. It was the nose under the tent that would, in the long run, consume our nation. Thank you, President Trump, for today taking us out of that obscene agreement.
If you did not see Trump’s speech this afternoon announcing his decision to withdraw our nation from the Paris Accord, this is one well worth watching:
The speech begins at the 1hr 4 min mark and lasts for approximately 45 mins.
Trump justified his decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord by pointing to the long-term “draconian . . . economic and financial burden” the agreement imposed on the U.S. The “onerous energy restrictions” alone would, Trump said, cost America 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025.
Several months ago, I wrote an essay on this blog pointing out that the science being used to justify the green agenda was somewhere between problematic at best, fraudulent at worst. And I pointed out that the Paris Accord was the nose under the tent for establishing international legal supremacy as regards all things climate change over our Constitution, for attacking capitalism, for attacking democracy, and to effect a massive transfer of wealth from this country to those UN, academic and governmental elites driving the climate agenda. As I wrote in that essay:
We stand at the precipice of real economic hardship if the green crowd is able to impose both the Clean Power Plan and the UN Paris agreement on the United States. Between the two, we could see over an additional trillion dollars a year funneled out of our economy within the foreseeable future, killing economic growth and entering a period of declining quality of life – at least for those not in the inner circle of academia and politics.
Make no mistake — climate change mitigation is a juggernaut. Right now, the world is expending 2% of the value of all its gross products and services on climate change mitigation and that number could easily reach 4 or 5% in just the next few years. With that amount of money in play and operating independent of market forces, there are Gore-like fortunes beyond the imagining to be made, both legally and illegally. And indeed, the political class and academics are uniquely positioned to take advantage of those economic rent-seeking opportunities. Thus, there is an overwhelming economic motivation for many of those now in power, as well as their cronies, to impose climate change mitigation, a motivation wholly independent of actually believing in the science of anthropogenic, carbon-centric, catastrophic climate change.
Well, the juggernaut has come to a screeching, if temporary, halt. Kudos to President Trump for resisting the incredible pressure brought to bear upon him to stay in the Paris Accord. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of what Trump did today.
I have one criticism. President Trump justified leaving the Paris Accord on the completely legitimate grounds of economics and sovereignty, either of which would provide stand alone justification to exit the Paris Accord. But Trump left out the third justification — the problems with the underlying “science” of anthropogenic global warming. Trump’s decision today will not end the push of powerful domestic and international cabal who stand to gain from imposing a climate change agenda on the U.S. As I stated in the essay, that will only end when the weakness and fraud surrounding the “science” itself is exposed and addressed. Barring that, while Trump’s act today pulling us out of the Paris Accord was “yuge,” it did not put the stake through the heart of this foul beast. It will be back unless and until we address the problems in science today as practiced in the U.S., and in particular, as regards climate science.