No. 21 Bookworm Podcast: Democrat Victimhood and Education Madness
In my latest podcast, the story of the sweet beer guy and the doxxing reporter is a microcosm of Democrat behavior, plus education madness in Seattle.
My latest podcast is up and running. You can listen to it through the audio embed below, or at LibSyn, or through Apple Podcasts.
Here’s the brief summary:
1. I look at the way the Democrats’ new claim of victimhood, now that they’re being investigated, parallels the way in which Aaron Calvin, the reporter who doxxed Carson “buy me a beer” King, is crying victim now that he’s been doxxed and fired.
2. I look at the insanity of the Seattle Public School District’s decision to improve black students’ educational outcomes by telling them that they are oppressed victims of an inherently unfair system that has exploited them for hundreds, even thousands, of years. Maybe I’m naive, but I don’t see this working well.
If you prefer reading, or what to follow up on sources I mention, you can find the companion post here.