Bookworm Beat 7/22/20 — news in the world today
I have got the most ginormous list of news that interests me. Let’s see how much I can share, along with my opinions, before I wear you and myself out.
The sins of the fathers. The Bible is clear about visiting the sins of the fathers on the children:
Deuteronomy 24:16 — The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.
I’ve believed in that principle for decades. Long before America went crazy, I said it was a tremendous mistake for Germany and the rest of the world to make the children of the Nazi generation feel perpetually guilty about and responsible for their forebearers’ acts. It would, I said, warp them. Looking at Germany today — a country that commits cultural suicide with Muslim immigration while continuing to hate the Jews whom they blame for Auschwitz — I feel I was correct.
The left, unfortunately, likes visiting the sins of the father on the children, yet another way it roundly rejects the Bible’s universal wisdom. The whole point of the Black Lives Matter movement is to make people feel so guilty about the Civil War (over in 1865) and Jim Crow (confined to the South and over by 1964 at the latest), that they will willingly cede the country to Marxist radicals.
For that reason, I think Alinksy’s Rule 4 currently trumps even Deuteronomy. Rule #4, as you may recall, is “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” And in that spirit, I’d like to direct you to two stories:
1. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), who is white and who supports the historically inaccurate, America-hating 1619 Project, is running against black Republican John James (who is awesome). Normally, it wouldn’t be relevant what Peters’ ancestors did in 1865, but this year, the left has said that we are responsible for our forefathers.
That’s why it matters that Peters comes from a slave-owning family that sheltered John Wilkes Booth. I strongly feel that Peters needs to drop out of the race and give the seat to James, as a form of reparations.
2. And it super-duper matters that the uber-woke New York Times, the one that’s abandoned any pretense of reporting the news and is simply engaged in shilling for Black Lives Matter and Biden — all while making a profit — is built upon slavery. Yup. The money that got the Times started is slavery money.
It’s time for the Sulzberger’s (who refused to report about Hitler’s concentration camps and genocide) to walk away from the Times, from their bank accounts, and from their mansions. They need to give it all to Black Lives Matter and retreat to think about their inherited sins.
Conservatives fighting back. Charlie Kirk is pushing an initiative called DivestU. It’s actually what I’ve been saying for years, only Kirk has a bigger platform, more courage, and more panache. The idea here is that conservatives need to stop giving money to their Marxist alma maters. You’d think they’d have figured out that America’s colleges and universities are the birthplaces of the violence and insanity that’s playing out in America today. Defund the colleges!
Meanwhile, Antonio Sabato, Jr., who was a popular (and very handsome) working actor right up until he revealed he’s conservative, at which point he was forced to do construction work, wants to build a conservative Hollywood studio. Others have tried but maybe Sabato will succeed. I wish him luck because we need to fight back at the culture level.
Biden and China. A few random points about China:
A woman who escaped describes what’s going on in China’s Uighur gulags and it’s really bad, with everything from torture to systematic rape to brainwashing.
China is engaged in organ harvesting, which is an appalling form of slavery. Nevertheless, the American media and American businesses, all of which talk non-stop about how racist America is for slavery that ended more than 150 years ago, are ignoring the camps. Money talks and they’re tied to China’s money, not America’s.
Attorney General William Barr gave a great speech about China’s rapacious, dishonest, and dangerous policies regarding trade and intellectual property. China’s practices endanger the free world — and were made possible by our government turning a blind eye for decades. Thankfully, Trump is fighting back, not just with trade policies, but by shutting down the spying apparatus (see, e.g, Trump closed the Houston consulate today, which immediately went on a document-burning binge).
China’s economy is potentially on the verge of a serious economic collapse thanks to a property bubble that is (as Trump would say) yuuuuge. The faster we disentangle ourselves from China, the better for us. If they go down, we don’t want to go down with them.
And now, about Biden. Biden went on an insane rant, calling Trump “the first racist president.” His reasoning is that Trump calls a virus that originated in China and that spread because China lied about it, the “China virus.”
Trump and sane Americans understand what’s going on here. The Chinese people are not our enemies, nor is the Asian race our enemy. China, the country, though, is not our friend and is, in many ways, a serious enemy, whether we’re looking at geopolitics in the Far East, germ warfare, or economic warfare.
Biden, however, is entirely beholden to China, which has poured billions into his family via son Baker (Cobbler? Grifter? I forget his name). It may also be behind much of the unrest on America’s streets because China badly needs Trump out of the White House. Trump and the Democrats are aligned in believing that civil unrest, combined with a self-inflicted recession, will do the trick.
Second, is Biden really calling Trump the “first” racist president? First, Trump is not racist.
Second, we have had a few other racists in office:
- Buchanan, a Democrat;
- Lincoln, a Republican who didn’t think much of blacks but put his life and the life of our nation on the line to secure their liberty;
- Johnson, a Democrat;
- Wilson, a Democrat;
- Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat;
- Harry Truman, a Democrat who nevertheless put principle over prejudice to integrate the U.S. military;
- Johnson, a Democrat; and
- Obama, a Democrat (whose grandmother was a “typical white person” and whose son could have been the thug Trayvon Martin).
‘Nuff said.
A few random thoughts about the Wuhan virus. Has it ever occurred to anyone that the Democrat governors’ decision to infect old age homes wasn’t stupidity or incompetence? All of them have states that have been overspending. Old people are expensive because they’re using resources for medical care and getting other benefits even though they’re no longer paying into the system. What better way to fix state budgets that have damaged by gross irresponsibility and really evil lockdowns than to trim the aged fat?
I have no proof for this theory. I’m just sayin’…
There was a vile article in Yahoo saying that pro-life states are hypocrites because their Wuhan virus policies are killing people. The article is short on data and long on invective. The article’s trigger was a report saying that more people are getting sick in the Southeast and West.
The problem, of course, is that the numbers show that these states will have to work hard, really hard, to catch up to the virus massacre in Democrat-run, pro-abortion states (you can see a better image here):
Second, California, a vehemently pro-abortion state, is currently taking the lead in new cases. [UPDATE: I just now saw an article saying that Arizona, Texas, and Georgia, states that didn’t panic, may already be heading for recovery without having destroyed themselves.]
Third, the linear thinking about virus numbers fails to acknowledge the lives destroyed because of panic, hysteria, and lockdowns. There’s a balance in everything. We could save people’s lives by banning cars, thereby ending car accidents, but then we’d have a lot of deaths from starvation, lost opportunities for medical treatment, abuse from isolation, etc. Everything is a tradeoff. At the end of the day, in my southern state, we have these signs:
That “now hiring” sign is as much a pro-life sign as the “Baby Lives Matter” signs popping up.
Fourth, one Oxford epidemiologist, whose been a whole lot more accurate than the awful Neil Ferguson (the adulterer from Imperial College London who started the whole panic), says she thinks there’s also going to be a pleasantly low threshold for herd immunity.
Oh, here’s a good fifth one: Fauci is not a very good guy, in addition to being a stone-cold political operative pretending to be a disinterested bureaucrat.
Two funny videos that are spot on the nose. This first video, from Ryan Long, a Canadian comic working in New York, captures perfectly how racist woke whites are. I mean, really, really racist.
This second video also captures something perfectly, this time the awfulness of both Democrat politicians and vapid and pretentious Hollywood actors:
I’ve got more stuff in the queue, but I’m running out of time to post tonight. I’ll try to add another Bookworm Beat tomorrow. It’s just a matter of being organized, efficient, responsible, and the opposite of a procrastinator. In other words, if I can change into a new person by tomorrow….