Tag: New York Times

The NYT Libels The Military For Memorial Day

On the heels of Biden’s textbook racist statement, that, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, you ain’t black,” the NYT does damage control by claiming the U.S. military is “celebrating white supremacy.”  It is the single lowest attack from these worthless race hustlers

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No. 12 Bookworm Podcast: Slavery was a blessing for today’s African Americans

Though slavery was awful, for today’s American blacks what would have been even worse was an absence of the slavery that brought them to these shores. (If you prefer listening over reading, the companion podcast to this post is embedded below, or you can listen to it at Libsyn or at Apple

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1619 Project constitution

Progressive Tribalism & The 1619 Project (Updated)

The 1619 Project – a media driven campaign to view everything about this nation through a dark and myopic racial prism — is pure evil. It is the basest of modern lies, told to stir the basest of emotions, all to separate society and, thereby, to achieve a political end

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Tlaib Omar Israel

No. 10 Bookworm Podcast — Tlaib, Omar, Israel, and the Times takes on slavery

The advent of the internet means that ordinary people like me can loudly criticize Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and the Times‘ ridiculous 1619 project. (If you prefer listening to reading, the companion podcast is embedded below, or you can listen to it at Libsyn or at Apple podcasts. I’m trying

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Progressives hysterically protest article telling them to be less hysterical

Enjoy the lack of self-awareness found in the most popular Progressive comments to a Times op-ed warning against the dangers of Trump Derangement Syndrome. One of the joys in life during the Trump era is watching Progressives decompensate and self-destruct. All their rhetoric about inclusiveness, spiritual generosity, intellectual superiority has

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