Wuhan virus — there are silver linings to this cloud

There are silver linings to Wuhan virus madness. The past seven months have brought a great deal of useful clarity that we should celebrate.

The other day, I wrote about the fact that Trump’s candidacy promises a return to normalcy. Under the slogan Make America Normal Again, we could have

  • a country in which all races and creeds come together under one flag instead of breaking into tribal units;
  • a place in which borders have meaning and immigration is done in a safe, orderly fashion that his beneficial to all concerned;
  • a land in which we dump the entire concept of microaggressions, recognizing that they’re a Marxist effort to create a racist mountain out of the fact that we are the least racist country in the world;
  • a United States that doesn’t feel obligated to shed its blood for nations that hate us, but that will speak out against tyrants (China! Russia! Iran! North Korea! I’m talking to you) and will provide constant and reasonable support for its friends;
  • an America in which we support our law enforcement agencies, which means helping the 99% who keep America safe and helping the agencies root out the 1% of LEOs who are bad apples;
  • a nation in which, except for the few people born with tangled DNA, boys are boys and girls are girls and, moreover, while we are kind to those whose mental illness leaves them confused, they are not allowed to assert that their mental illness should be our reality; and, most importantly,
  • an America in which the Bill of Rights is accorded the highest place of honor in the laws of our land, with complete respect for all the rights inherent in the American people.

That’s a normal America. That’s a nice America. That’s a civil America. That’s a functional, effective, wealth-generating, clean-air-creating America. That’s Making America Normal Again.

Keep that in mind as election day nears.

Meanwhile, let’s think about the good that’s come out of the last seven difficult months:

The Democrats’ insane impeachment failed.

Americans got a preview of what life in America will look like if the Democrats gain control and, thankfully, many of them, including Democrats, don’t seem to like it. They’ve decided that living in a police state, trapped in their homes or forced to cover their faces in public. And normal Americans, not rabid leftists, are appalled that they’re watching everything they’ve worked for over the years go down the drain — and this isn’t because of events beyond America’s control; it’s because their own government is doing this to them. They don’t like seeing riots destroying their cities and they don’t like seeing police attacked and destroyed along with the cities. They don’t like seeing rabid mobs destroy their cultural heritage, which it’s good culture or bad. And speaking of culture, they really hate “cancel culture.” They understand that cancel culture is not just a variation on the marketplace of ideas; it’s the gulag of ideas and too many of them are being marched off to labor in the mines.

In other words, the Democrats overplayed their hands and that’s all to the good.

For years now, I’ve been complaining about American public schools and what a disaster they are. They fail to educate kids but they do a great job of indoctrinating them about racism and climate change. The problem is the unions, which are simply another branch of the Democrat party. Watching the activists among the teachers refuse to be as brave as a store clerk or truck driver has been illuminating for many Americans. Likewise, many parents have discovered that their children do a lot better being homeschooled than teachers’ union schooled.

I’m truly pleased to see that Scott Adams has finally grocked to this problem. He has a bigger platform than I do and he’s making the most of it:

This is all to the good. Remember, teachers’ unions do not care about educating students. They’re not even that interested in good working conditions and living wages for teachers. They’re all about advancing the hard-left progressive agenda. And that’s now coming through loud and clear.

The climate change agenda has relied for decades on so-called “experts.” The age of those “experts” may finally have ended. While the media is still running interference for Fauci, people are beginning to notice that he was wrong about everything. They also notice that, despite more and more evidence that Hydroxychloroquine is beneficial if administered early and correctly, Fauci refuses to acknowledge that.

When push came to shove, Democrats failed miserably at governance. The two-week lockdown turned into a seven-month lockdown that’s been disastrous wherever tried. It hasn’t slowed the Wuhan virus (which is proving to be a really bad flu rather than the Black Death), but it has destroyed economies and ruined lives. Democrats were also shown to be revolting hypocrites, cheering on mass riots while arresting people for opening hair salons. And let’s not even talk about the older people who died unnecessarily. And I really mean let’s not. It’ll just make me impotently angry and sad.


For a graphic analogy, Democrats were the slowly growing boil on America’s butt. With every passing day of Trump’s administration, that boil got hotter, redder, and angrier. With the Wuhan virus, it came to a head and ruptured — and we all know that, when a boil ruptures, you finally get to see the hideously ugly, smelly, destructive putrefaction that was rotting within in.

But here’s the good news: If a boil doesn’t rupture but, instead, turns inwards, the host body goes septic and dies. If it ruptures, and the patient debrides and disinfects the wound, that nasty, deadly infection goes away. If someone got very sick from the infection, recovery may take a while, but it will happen.


Watching the disaster that is Democrat governance, and the way it bows to the mob, people have been on an unparalleled gun-buying binge. Every one of those buyers is a convert to the Second Amendment. They suddenly understand that our right to possess arms protects us from both the mob and the government behind the mob. While the gun buyers may not have been anti-gun people before, instead being neutral, you can bet that right now, they’re all pro-gun. (And I wonder how much money the NRA will raise thanks to the New York Attorney General’s suit to “dissolve” the NRA.)

I’ve got to get to work, but I’m betting that all of you can add to my list of clarifying things that have happened because of Wuhan madness. Yes, America has suffered terribly, but the whole thing has also been a bright light showing the rot and the rats on one side and highlighting the virtue of classic American, constitutional values on the other side.

Image: Sun breaking through cloud over ocean (cropped), by bigwavephoto.