Visions of America: videos from both left and right
There are several fascinating videos out there, so I thought I’d dedicate this post to them, along with a little moralizing of my own.
First, Trump handles with incredible grace a question that only a hack pretending to be a reporter would ever ask:
These Trump press conferences produce material that has to be seen to be believed.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) August 19, 2020
Second, Trump, by honoring Susan B. Anthony, saw the left launch an unbelievable savage attack against her. They’re trying to frame it around racism – although it was instead a 19th-century intersectionality battle – but we know Susan B. Anthony’s real sin: She opposed abortion because she did believe that all lives matter. I disagree with every word in this video. I just think you ought to see it to understand that the left has only two pillars: If Trump’s for it, we’re against it; and abortion is the most sacred principle in the Democrat party:
Wow they are actually trying to cancel Susan B Anthony
— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) August 18, 2020
Third, now that the election is on the horizon and we’re truly in battle mode, both the GOP and the Trump campaign are coming out with some amazing advertisements. This one, which the little logo in the lower right corner indicates is from the GOP, knocks it out of the park:
This is a very powerful ad. Watch it and then retweet it:
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) August 18, 2020
Fourth, this will make you cry. Incidentally, I haven’t commented about Cannon Hinnant for a few reasons. First, it makes me cry and I don’t need that right now because I need my energy for other things. Second, I don’t think it was racial. I think the killer was evil and that’s different. Third, I’m not sure that there’s a benefit in pointing out the media double standards. It won’t change the media and it won’t bring that boy back. Because you see, the left is evil too. We have to defeat it, not play tit-for-tat:
Beautiful and heartbreaking tribute to Cannon Hinnant 💔 😞
— Art TakingBack 🇺🇸 (@ArtValley818_) August 18, 2020
Fifth, Ric Grenell says what needs to be said. Because of my lifetime in the San Francisco Bay Area, a lot of my real-me Facebook friends are LGBTQ people I’ve known for decades. The non-politicized ones are just plain folk. The politicized ones manage to combine the emotionalism of women and the aggression of men, all of it aimed at Trump and Christians. Sadly, they wouldn’t watch Grenell if he was standing in their living rooms and they were chained to their couches:
President @realDonaldTrump made history for #LGBT Americans — and nobody knows that better than @RichardGrenell. #GetOUTspoken
— LogCabinRepublicans (@LogCabinGOP) August 19, 2020
Sixth, never forget the gaping chasm between Democrat rhetoric and Democrat practice. In this regard, remember too that what you see is what you get with Trump. He’s a character and an eccentric. He loves his country and, unlike every other president in memory, he kept his campaign promises. With the Democrats, on the other hand, you have to be very careful: Don’t listen to what they say; watch what they do:
“We Are Democrats”
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 20, 2020
This is absolutely brilliant. @Timcast
— The Red-Headed Libertarian™ (@TRHLofficial) August 19, 2020
Seventh, remember that the Joe Biden of today is not the Joe Biden of yesterday. Yesterday’s Biden was awful; today’s is worse because he’s a demented man who is the pawn of the most radical people ever to seize power in American history:
We’re used to hearing about elections that they’re battles for America’s soul. When you hear that often enough, you stop taking it seriously. And the fact is that, for decades, we’ve been governed by a mono-party. Whether Democrat or Republican, they were all much the same, with the only significant difference being the fact that Republicans were a bit more concerned about the financial bottom line.
This year, though, it’s different. The leftists are what they’ve always been, although they’re not pretending anymore. It’s Trump who breaks the paradigm and the pattern. He is not a member of the mono-party. He is sui generis – that is, utterly unique. He’s not going through the motions to maintain D.C. power. He keeps his promises as he works on his vision, which is a strong, free America, in which all people are equal under the law, in which everyone has a stab at the economic opportunity of a free market, and which values every life.
Incidentally, Andrew Klavan often talks about the fact that the Republican reverence for the free market beginning in the 1980s had within it the seeds of the Republicans’ downfall because they forgot that capitalism works only when tempered with morality. He’s right. China is the ne plus ultra of capitalism without morality. (By the way, another word for what China is now is fascist. That’s what happens when you allow private ownership and a “free” market, but the government maintains complete control.)
Trump is not a moralist. He will not bring that to the table. It’s up to each of us to practice moral capitalism. However, what Trump does bring to the table is his pro-life stance. The mere fact that he thinks every life has intrinsic value takes a long way away from the chilling culture of both raw capitalism from the right or fascism from the left.
Image: Pxfuel, cropped, free for commercial use.