The Democrats’ Helter Skelter approach to racial politics
The Democrats seem determined to foment a race war in America. Are they intentionally trying to replicate Manson’s Helter Skelter theory?
Across America, the current Democrat policy is focused with laser-like intensity on fomenting racial discord. This is true within federal and state governments and within large corporations that are staffed with woke college graduates. Here are just a few examples from recent days. I could easily find, not dozens, but hundreds of more examples, maybe even thousands:
1. Coca-Cola has confirmed that it was training its employees to “try to be less white,” a racist notion if there ever was one.
2. Washington state illegally funneled COVID relief money to radical political groups based upon racial criteria.
3. Jodi Shaw, an incredibly brave former Smith employee, wrote a public resignation letter in which she detailed the demeaning racist harassment she suffered because she is white.
4. An experienced administrator in the Bronx is suing her school district based on her allegations that the district harassed her relentlessly and then demoted her because she shared a Holocaust story about her family and refused to give a “Wakanda salute.”
5. Although it’s a “north of the border” story, this report out of Canada fits in perfectly with the Democrat approach: a school district is hunting down anonymous students who dared to set up an Instagram account claiming that all people are created equal and should be judged by the actions, not by the color of their skin.
6. Oregon’s official policy now is that math as it is currently taught in schools is racist because it requires students to give the right answers — and that requirement is a dangerous example of inherent white malevolence and a determination to destroy other races.
7. The Oregon story leads me generally to what’s going on in American schools. On Friday, Tucker Carlson devoted his entire hour-long show to reports of the way in which America’s public schools are intentionally demeaning whites on solely racial grounds:
Watch the video while you can for I’m sure it will be pulled soon.
8. Kristen Clarke, who is Biden’s nominee to the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, has claimed that whites are genetically inferior and that race must factor into every decision in America.
And of course, there’s the official White House and Democrat party line that events on January 6 were the actions of armed white insurrectionists attempting a coup. The various federal Democrat people and entities make this claim even though the only ones armed were law enforcement officers, one of whom killed a woman; it’s apparent that leftists were heavily involved in fomenting and then acting in the events of January 6; and neither Trump nor his supporters have ever done anything other than to claim that Trump’s policies will benefit everyone and that we should all be treated equally. That last notion, of course, is a sure sign of white supremacy in the year 2021.
We are not witnessing the random actions of a few racial crackpots. Instead, across America, at every level — education, corporations, and government — the Democrat message is clear: Whites are inherently inferior and their “genetic traits,” which shamefully include punctuality, ambition, loyalty, reliability, and good math, are dangerously racist.
Before 1860, the message in large parts of America was that blacks were inherently inferior, a policy that propped up slavery. That led to a Civil War resulting in 650,000 Americans dead out of a population of only 31.5 million.
Between 1865 and the 1960s, the message in large parts of America was that blacks were inherently inferior, a policy that propped up Jim Crow and true systemic racism. That is, across America, various governments and many institutions (i.e., large corporations, especially banks) had policies that openly discriminated against black people. This destroyed lives, blighted talent and hard work, and led to the vast social dislocation of the 1960s, something that provided an opening to communists and that still affects America today.
Now, in 2021, the message the Democrats are sending across America, one being hammered home with increasing ferocity and with the power of the state to enforce it, is that whites are inherently inferior and, on top of that, evil. Whites therefore need to be abused, demeaned, diluted (via illegal immigration), and systematically shut out of America’s civil society.
Here’s the irony behind this un-American, dangerous sentiment: This anti-white policy comes down via white people (Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and other whites in D.C.; and Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Jeff Bezos, and other whites who amassed power through technology). When I look at the problem through that filter, all I can think of is Charles Manson and “Helter Skelter.”
Older readers will remember what Helter Skelter means. At bottom, it was simply a song from the Beatles’ edgy White Album. Charles Manson, though, was sure that the phrase, the song, and the album itself had a deeper meaning.
Wikipedia does an adequate job of summing up the Helter Skelter philosophy that Manson created and that inspired his followers to brutally slaughter seven people in the Los Angeles hills (hyperlinks and footnotes omitted):
Charles Manson had been predicting racial war for some time before he used the term Helter Skelter. His first use of the term was at a gathering of the Family on New Year’s Eve 1968 at Myers Ranch near California’s Death Valley. The scenario had Manson as the war’s ultimate beneficiary and its musical cause. He and the Family would create an album with songs whose messages would be as subtle as those he had heard in songs of the Beatles. This would not merely foretell the conflict but would trigger it by instructing “the young love”, meaning white American youth, to join the Family, and it would draw the young, white female hippies out of San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury.
Black men would thus be deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them and would lash out in violent crimes against whites. Frightened whites would retaliate with a murderous rampage, and militant blacks would exploit it to provoke a war of near-extermination between racist whites and non-racist whites over the treatment of blacks. Then the militant blacks would arise to finish off the few whites who survived; in fact, they would kill off all non-blacks.
In this holocaust, the members of the enlarged Family would have little to fear; they would wait out the war in a secret city that was underneath Death Valley which they would reach through a hole in the ground. They would be the only remaining whites upon the race war’s conclusion, and they would emerge from underground to rule the blacks who, as the vision went, would be incapable of running the world. At that point, Manson “would scratch [the black man’s] fuzzy head and kick him in the butt and tell him to go pick the cotton and go be a good nigger”.
Incidentally, regarding the sexual element in Manson’s theory, it’s noteworthy that, to celebrate Black History Month, Northwestern University created an interactive “BDSM FUNdamentals” workshop:
And here’s a bonus: The class on how bondage and polygamy can be employed to score said liberation will be taught by a “two spirit Black and Indigenous facilitator and healer.”
That’s right — participants will learn from “Vee AKA: Electr0papi (They/She),” who’s reportedly “an electro play and fire play enthusiast as well as a rope suspension top.”
A lot of really bad 1960s ideas are flowering now, thanks to the seeds planted and nurtured in academia (which especially affect Silicon Valley), as well as the 1960s/1970s generation holding power in D.C. (see the aforementioned Biden, Pelosi, Gates, etc.). I’m beginning to fear that one of these really bad ideas is an updated version of Charles Manson’s Helter Skelter theory of a race war followed by total white control over black people. Steeped in this highly racist, anti-white ideology, it doesn’t matter to these people that blacks make up only 13% of the population. They don’t care that this racial balance means that it’s unlikely blacks will prevail in such a war and more likely that, after some unspeakable brutality on both sides, they’ll lose the war.
What matters is that they badly want a war. And if it’s a war they want, I’m terrified that it’s a war they’ll get.