Yes, it’s time for my annually revamped Passover post
Every year for Passover, I write a post describing the general principles but with a different person standing in as Pharoah. This year, Biden again gets the Egyptian crown.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Every year for Passover, I write a post describing the general principles but with a different person standing in as Pharoah. This year, Biden again gets the Egyptian crown.
Continue readingDennis Prager explains why, although Passover is a Jewish celebration, it nevertheless has important (and very positive) worldwide meaning: Happy Passover! Image: A man reciting a blessing over a cup of wine at a Passover Seder in the Warsaw Ghetto, Poland (cropped). Yad Vashem collection.
Continue readingEvery year, I publish a variation of my Passover post, with the latest enemy of freedom starring as Pharaoh. This year, Biden is Pharaoh. For roughly 3,500 years, Jews have been telling and retelling the story of Passover — which is also the story of the world’s first revolt against
Continue readingThe Passover story provides us with deep insights into the nature of tyranny. This year, China’s tyranny is the subject of my annual Passover post. For roughly 3,500 years, Jews have been telling and retelling the story of Passover — which is also the story of the world’s first revolt
Continue readingPassover tells us that tyrants fall only when revolution affects them directly and that revolutions are successful only when focused on individual liberty. Passover, which begins tonight, is about so many things: the Jewish people’s renewed covenant with God; their escape from slavery; the journey that ended with the Ten
Continue readingTrump’s decision to change the paradigm with North Korea illustrates the precept in my annual Passover post: Tyrannies must be decapitated, not placated. Starting with Bill Clinton, America fawned over North Korea’s tyrannical rulers, sending them money and promising not to hurt them. In those same years, North Korea’s rulers
Continue readingTonight marks the beginning of Passover 5778. Donald Trump’s targeted attack on Syria indicates that he understands the import of this timeless story. In mid-2009, a few months into Barack Obama’s presidency, Iran had its Green Revolution, when tens of thousands of brave Iranians took to the streets in Tehran
Continue readingI first published a Passover post in March 2010, when Iran was in the news because of the Green Revolution. (By the way, Obama’s peculiar inaction then — that is, his unwillingness to side with the ordinary people against the Mullah’s tyranny — takes on a whole new meaning in
Continue readingEvery Jewish holiday, creative young Jewish people bring something new to the musical world:
Continue readingAn antisemitic Jew I know, rather than seeing the Passover ceremony as the celebration of freedom (the world’s first and for a long time only successful slave revolt), and of justice and morality (the Ten Commandments), derides the whole ceremony as the unconscionable and immoral celebration of the genocide of
Continue readingI wrote this during Iran’s Green Revolution. For the paragraphs regarding Iran, please feel free to substitute Syria, the Sudan, the economic victims of the financially decimated European Union, Palestinian children who are pawns in Hamas’ genocidal strategy, or any other group of people groaning under a tyrant’s yoke. ****
Continue readingOver the years, I’ve written more than 10,000 posts. (Yeah, that’s a scary thought, isn’t it.) They do tend to run together in my mind, but there are a few standouts. These are the posts in which I felt that I offered an insight or analysis that is genuinely helpful
Continue readingTonight marks the first night of Passover, the ancient Jewish holiday celebrating the Jews’ release from bondage and, I think, their reaffirmed commitment to God. I wrote the following post last year for Passover, and republished it once more a few months ago. It focuses on Iran, but I think
Continue readingGaddafi is not going gently into the good night. With the bitter end staring him in the face, he’s bombing his own countrymen and threatening to kill them by the thousands and tens of thousands if they don’t leave him his throne. In his honor, I reprint my Passover post
Continue readingVery long story short, we don’t celebrate Passover in my home. So I forgot that tonight was the first night, until I was reminded by emails and blogs, both Christian and Jewish. To all my Jewish readers, a belated (since they’ve already signed off) Happy Passover!
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