Category: Freedom

A theory about why Americans are meekly accepting reinstated COVID rules

Americans once prided themselves on not bowing down to the government, unlike European sheeple. Now the reverse is true. What happened? Across Europe, people are rebelling against their governments’ attempts to impose new mask mandates and lockdowns on them or, worse, vaccine passports. (That yearning for freedom, by the way,

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Passover: the nature of tyranny never changes but freedom is worth the fight

Passover tells us that tyrants fall only when revolution affects them directly and that revolutions are successful only when focused on individual liberty. Passover, which begins tonight, is about so many things: the Jewish people’s renewed covenant with God; their escape from slavery; the journey that ended with the Ten

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Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

The Bookworm Beat 4/24/17 — “watching as the Left continues circling the drain” edition

This Bookworm Beat has all shades of Progressive insanity (fake data, attacks on free speech, Chelseamania), complete with links and my trenchant comments. Keep circling that drain. Before I get into the meat of this post detailing the worst emanations from the Democrats and their fellow travelers on their Left,

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Happy Thanksgiving!

On this Thanksgiving, in addition to being thankful for all the blessings in my life — everything from a Hillary-less White House to my comfortable home, my wonderful children, and my supportive community (just don’t talk politics) — I’m also grateful that, almost four hundred years ago, the Pilgrims abandoned

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[AUDIO] A dramatic reading of a rebuttal to Lionel Shriver’s plea to end “cultural appropriation” totalitarianism *UPDATED*

A new thing called cultural appropriation is suddenly in the news lately. Just yesterday, designer Marc Jacobs was in the news because the Social Justice Warriors were appalled that his runway models — mostly white — wore fake, multi-colored dreadlocks.  (SJW’s have a real problem with white people wearing dreads.) That

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