Category: Anti-Semitism

Indoctrination at schools focuses on fantasy ills, while simultaneously denying reality

America’s educational institutions aren’t taking antisemitism seriously — despite the mount of proof (often from the killers themselves) showing that tens of millions have died from antisemitism over the centuries. Meanwhile, as antisemitism surges unchecked on America’s campuses, schools are taking very seriously fracking, even in the absence of any

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Hashem yinkom damo/Hashem yinkom dama (May Hashem avenge the blood of the three killed in Kansas City today) *UPDATED*

We’re fortunate in America that anti-Semitic violence is not the norm (although it is the most common anti-religious violence in America), but it still happens.  Evil doesn’t need a reason, but so often evil finds its justification in antisemitism.  Today, an elderly man, his 14-year-old grandson, and an unrelated woman

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Alice Walker — a vile antisemite whose books are read in schools throughout America

I never liked Alice Walker’s writing.  The Color Purple was a poorly written pulp novel that got traction because it was marketed as a black woman’s rising up from the chains of racism.  Others have written the same, only better. Walker has now confirmed that her bad writing comes about

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Kudos to George Galloway for letting the Left’s full Israel hatred show

Left-wing British Member of Parliament George Galloway, who’s always been pro-Palestinian, finally let the mask drop and showed his full Israel/Jewish hatred: Controversial Left-wing MP George Galloway shocked an Oxford University audience by refusing to debate with an opponent because he was Israeli. To cries of ‘racism’, Mr Galloway picked

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