If there is global warming, blame Pele, the volcano goddess, not humans
It turns out that a little-reported natural event last year may account for our long, hot summer.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
It turns out that a little-reported natural event last year may account for our long, hot summer.
Continue readingThe latest fad to fight the canard of global warming is using the Consumer Product Safety Commission to declare gas stoves unsafe and to ban them by regulation with the force of law. This is not by a vote of our elected representatives and thus should never happen. The other
Continue readingWe are being indoctrinated in ways both large and small to end fossil fuels, something that will also end the modern world we know. There’s another summer heatwave and the Western world’s leftists are again raising the hysteria level to “We’re all going to die unless we end fossil fuels
Continue readingMake no mistake — climate change mitigation is a juggernaut. . . [In 2015], the world is expending 2% of the value of all its gross products and services on climate change mitigation and that number could easily reach 4 or 5% in just the next few years. With that
Continue readingThe theory of anthropogenic climate change has no reliable scientific basis Two distinguished Princeton professors, Richard Lindzen, Prof. of Earth Sciences, and William Happer, Prof. of Physics, recently testified before Congress on the SEC’s proposed rule change (taken without any Congressional authority) to make all publicly traded companies adopt climate
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