Following through on a decision
Jonah Goldberg expresses my sentiments exactly when it comes to today’s situation in Iraq. (And read the whole thing, not just the first two paragraphs.)
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Jonah Goldberg expresses my sentiments exactly when it comes to today’s situation in Iraq. (And read the whole thing, not just the first two paragraphs.)
Continue readingIf there’s anyone left who still thinks the numbers in the Lancet study are valid, he should read Steven Moore’s op-ed explaining why the study’s methodology is invalid by any standard: After doing survey research in Iraq for nearly two years, I was surprised to read that a study by
Continue readingBecause the comments section in my blog has seen a lot of activity about the Lancet report positing almost 700,000 Iraqi war dead in a few years, I thought it would be useful to direct your attention to the fact that an anti-War website, Iraq Body Count, has had the
Continue readingIt’s nice when someone who understands medical journals and statistics has the same reaction you do to the ridiculous Lancet story that claimed 655,000 Iraqi war-related deaths in a mere two years. Medipundit puts it all in perspective: The researchers spent two months canvassing households in various regions of Iraq
Continue readingIn October 2004, the once respectable British medical journal, The Lancet, published an article in which it vastly overestimated Iraqi war deaths. Those who contended then that the article’s timing was purposeful, and was intended to affect the American elections, were pooh-poohed. I’ll concede, for the sake of argument, that
Continue readingI’ve got work to do, but I wanted to get a thought off my chest (or out of my head). Many in the anti-War movement try to cut debate off at the knees by claiming that their opponents are slandering them by calling them unpatriotic. The notion is that to
Continue readingI’ve mentioned before the silly stuff that passes for art and entertainment amongst the anti-Bush, anti-War people. Sometimes, their passions go so far that even those who believe in them can’t follow: There was a “What is this?” expression on the faces of many in the packed house at San
Continue readingOne of the frequent themes I see from the anti-War crowd (including a theme in my own Comments sections) is the belief that Iraq has created terrorism. This view conveniently ignores the fact that the single greatest act of terrorism against Americans happened before the Iraq War, as well as
Continue readingMr. Bookworm still finds troubling my political transformation, which is actually something I understand. After all, when we stood under the chuppah so many years ago, he knew what he was getting — a stalwart Democratic life partner. It was bad enough when his siblings, after 9/11, betrayed him by
Continue readingMark Steyn just got back from a Gitmo visit. In his most recent column, he describes what he saw there (better living than my “neighbors” in San Quentin, that’s for sure), and contrasts it with Leahy’s unhinged rant over trials for military terrorists: [I]t surely requires a perverse genius to
Continue readingAs part of a much longer article about the Democrat’s foolish faith in the NIE leak, J. Peter Mulhern, writing at American Thinker, offers this nicely phrased analysis about the willing fighters and the potential victims in our society: When you go to war your enemy will enlist people to
Continue readingHere’s the incredible, thoughtful response from Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s President, to a loaded question from AP operative Jennifer Loven, who is married to a Democratic macher and who wouldn’t know an unbiased story if it bit her in the face: QUESTION: Thank you, sir. Even after hearing that one of
Continue readingI can be sarcastic or disdainful of the Left, and I’ll speak slightingly of the views that emanate from that side of the political spectrum, but I don’t believe I’ve ever called a liberal individual deranged, disgusting, perverted and sociopathic. All that is about to change. At Flopping Aces, Curt
Continue readingIf ever a single article told you everything you need to know about the torch the old anti-War protestors carry for their youth, you have to read this editorial by Andrew Rosenthal, the NY Times’ Assistant Editor (so the editorial also tells you a lot about the NYT). In Rosenthal’s
Continue readingYesterday, I heard on NPR that at least one of the soldiers charged with murdering an Iraqi man will not be subject to the death penalty. It was an interesting story in that it talked about the evidence, or lack thereof. At the heart of the case is a body
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