Category: Democrats

The Bookworm Beat (10/14/14) — Quotable quotes edition (and Open Thread)

Still catching up from the devastation that yesterday wrought on my schedule. However, I had the chance to read a few good things: Ken Braun: The real unemployment is much higher and most Americans know it: Regardless of reasons, the net effect of a steadily rising adult population and sharply

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The Bookworm Beat — 9/11/14’s “ISIS and other stuff” edition (and Open Thread)

Let the information download begin: Alleged New York Times Baghdad Bureau Chief lambastes Obama administration If a Reddit user really is Tim Arango, Baghdad Bureau Chief for The New York Times, it’s very impressive to read his scathing indictment of the administration’s Iraq policy and conduct: it’s not my job to

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The optimist’s take on Harry Reid’s going nuclear — and why I am a pessimist

Harry Reid has just succeeded in doing what Franklin Roosevelt couldn’t do:  he’s going to pack the court.  Yes, Roosevelt was aiming for the Supreme Court, while Reid’s only going after the district and appellate courts, but the reality is that we’re seeing incrementalism.  Today, the lower level courts; tomorrow,

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Victor Davis Hanson sums up the Democrat ethos in 3 paragraphs

If you’re looking for a unifying principle of everything, at least everything Democrat, Victor Davis Hanson has it: What is the common denominator of the Obama administration’s serial scandals — the Justice Department’s spying on AP, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the NSA surveillance, the lies about Benghazi and

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Will those who benefit from Obamacare offset those who are harmed by it?

At PowerLine, Paul Mirengoff analyzes a Politico article that attempts to assess the political fallout from Obamacare.  The Politico writers, says Mirengoff, acknowledge that those in the individual insurance market aren’t feeling the love for the Democrats now, but imply that the majority of these people would have voted Republican

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