Tag: Corey Booker

Bookworm Beat Honduran Invasion Ukraine

Bookworm Beat 10/22/18 — the Honduran invasion edition and open thread

This Bookworm Beat is about more than the slo-mo Honduran invasion, but that figures largely here, hence the post’s title. A round-up of ideas and information about the Honduran invasion. When thousands of military age men threaten to storm your border, there’s only one proper description: “an invasion.” All that

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Brett Kavanaugh Avenatti Swetnick

The Kavanaugh martyrdom: when the Salem witch trial meets Mao’s Cultural Revolution

Brett Kavanaugh’s martyrdom before unfounded, bizarre, nonsensical accusations, is a Salem witch trial redux with hints of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. The ordeal of Brett Kavanaugh takes us back to the bad old days of the Salem Witch Trials, though our proggies add their own Maoist Cultural Revolution gloss.  If they

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