We hold these truths to be self-evident: understanding liberty
The opening words of the Declaration of Independence meant something different in 1776 than they do now, but they inevitably led to slavery’s abolition.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
The opening words of the Declaration of Independence meant something different in 1776 than they do now, but they inevitably led to slavery’s abolition.
Continue readingToday’s must-read: Vincent Phillip Muñoz’s article about Progressives’ and Conservatives’ different ideological approaches to equality. To the extent we conservatives look to the Constitution as the alpha and omega of our political ideology, we’ve thought a lot about equality in theory and in practice. Problems arise, though, when Progressives push
Continue readingTraditionally, one of the things to remember about “justice” is that “justice” isn’t always fair. Sometimes doing the right or “just” thing means that someone gets hurt or left out or punished. A friend of mine sent me an image that tries to pervert language so that “equality” means “unfair,”
Continue readingIt may be one of the most famous quotations in the English language: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Orwell wrote Animal Farm as an allegory about the Soviet Union. His point with that quotation was that all totalitarian states, no matter their original
Continue readingI know I’ve said before that this or that column is Mark Steyn’s best column ever, but this time, I think he’s really done it — the best column ever. Why? Because he’s perfectly managed to reveal the faulty reasoning behind a couple of liberal arguments. What he does is
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