Tag: Media Bias

The young ‘uns are ill-informed and disenchanted with Obama

The San Jose Mercury News talked to fifteen teenage student journalists about issues ranging from texting while driving to Trayvon to politics.  As journalists-in-training, these students are presumably better informed and more engaged than their peers.  That presumption could be wrong. The students’ responses to the Trayvon matter fascinated me

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Presidential Election 2012: Eddie Haskell versus Ward Cleaver

Leave It To Beaver is an iconic television show, complete with archetypal American characters.  Week after week, during its Eisenhower/Kennedy heyday, the show presented its American audience with the naifs (Beaver and Wally Cleaver) being enticed into dangerous or embarrassing situations, thanks to the machinations of Eddie Haskell.  Eddie was

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Obama campaign turns off the “honesty” switch (and a related side note about dishonest “science”)

Funnily enough, the MSM isn’t picking up on this story, the one that provides proof (proof that can easily be replicated) that the Obama campaign machine is set up to encourage completely fraudulent campaign donations.  The same proof exercise shows that the Republican candidates have set up their donations to

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Eric Allen Bell: Once blind about radical Islam and the Left, but now he sees *UPDATED*

Eric Allen Bell, a former Daily Kos contributor and an independent filmmaker for Left-leaning outlets, had an epiphany recently:  Islam is not a nice religion.  Indeed, it’s a very un-nice religion, one that sees the embodiment of human perfection in a child-raping, misogynistic, antisemitic crime lord.  When he tried to

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