Yes, it’s time for my annually revamped Passover post
Every year for Passover, I write a post describing the general principles but with a different person standing in as Pharoah. This year, Biden again gets the Egyptian crown.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Every year for Passover, I write a post describing the general principles but with a different person standing in as Pharoah. This year, Biden again gets the Egyptian crown.
Continue readingThe Passover story provides us with deep insights into the nature of tyranny. This year, China’s tyranny is the subject of my annual Passover post. For roughly 3,500 years, Jews have been telling and retelling the story of Passover — which is also the story of the world’s first revolt
Continue readingPassover tells us that tyrants fall only when revolution affects them directly and that revolutions are successful only when focused on individual liberty. Passover, which begins tonight, is about so many things: the Jewish people’s renewed covenant with God; their escape from slavery; the journey that ended with the Ten
Continue readingTrump’s decision to change the paradigm with North Korea illustrates the precept in my annual Passover post: Tyrannies must be decapitated, not placated. Starting with Bill Clinton, America fawned over North Korea’s tyrannical rulers, sending them money and promising not to hurt them. In those same years, North Korea’s rulers
Continue readingThanks to my Facebook feed, I have a front row seat for the Leftist world view, which is occasionally amusing and invariably somewhat frightening. One of the useful things about my Facebook feed is the plethora of posts educating me about the Leftist world view. My feed means that, unlike
Continue readingTonight marks the beginning of Passover 5778. Donald Trump’s targeted attack on Syria indicates that he understands the import of this timeless story. In mid-2009, a few months into Barack Obama’s presidency, Iran had its Green Revolution, when tens of thousands of brave Iranians took to the streets in Tehran
Continue readingIt’s always interesting to hear my husband, a militant atheist, and me, a respectful agnostic/atheist, talk about the Bible to the kids. Today, my husband tackled the story of the sacrifice of Isaac. He told the kids that the whole point of the story is to remind religious people that
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