Tag: Vulgarity

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No. 23 Bookworm Podcast: Vulgar Presidents and Great Presidents

This podcast examines hypocritical media claims about Trump’s unique vulgarity and the fact that, vulgar or not, Trump is one of our greatest presidents. My latest podcast is up and running. You can listen to it through the audio embed below, or at LibSyn, or through Apple Podcasts. I’ll be publishing

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Illustrated edition Trump not a sexual predator Congress Mueller declassifying documents

With Trump, Americans get a functional president, not a decorative one

It’s another #NeverTrump attack on Trump’s rough-hewn style. Pfeh! Trump is the perfect American president: a heart-of-gold brawler who puts American first. In its endless competition with the Weekly Standard to be the outlet the drive-by media quotes most (and whose pundits get the most appearances on MSM outlets), National

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A debate about young people’s behavior at CPAC highlights our culture’s inability to distinguish between things that are sexy and things that are vulgar. *UPDATED*

I’ve got sex on the mind today.  (How’s that for a great opening sentence?)  It actually has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with a confluence of posts and statements that came my way within the last couple of days. It all started when Erick Erickson put

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