Tag: Christina Hoff Sommers

[MUST SEE VIDEO] Oberlin College choir responds to the Christine Sommers controversy (brilliant)

You remember what happened when Christina Hoff Sommers went to Oberlin and Georgetown, don’t you? If you don’t, these pictures, all showing these schools’ special snowflakes, will refresh your recollection: Now, a group purporting to be the Oberlin College choir has uploaded its response. It is brilliant:

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Guest Post: Trigger-warnings mean people must remain victimized forever (by guest blogger Lulu)

As a mental health professional, I find the storms raging at Georgetown and Oberlin University regarding Christina Hoff Sommers’ visit and speech as “triggering” and traumatizing to be beyond bizarre. My objective as a mental health professional is to empower people, to enable them to overcome trauma in order to

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