NHS leaves British women in pain
From Genesis 3:16 (after the expulsion from Eden):
To the woman He [God] said,
“I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
I’m feeling Biblical after having read a story about another one of the “miracles” of universal healthcare, as in effect in Britain:
Hundreds of women are being forced to give birth without proper pain relief because of staff shortages at an NHS hospital.
Mothers-to-be are being denied epidurals – which numb the body from the waist down – because of a lack of anaesthetists.
The failure flouts guidance from four Royal Colleges, including the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians, that women should have access to an epidural within 30 minutes of requesting one.
It adds to mounting concern about the quality of NHS maternity care, with midwives in some hospitals expected to attend to three women in labour at the same time due to staff shortages.
I like epidurals. Epidurals are good things. I know there are some women who want to have the full experience of childbirth, but have two long, long labors, one mostly without an epidural, and one entirely with an epidural, I know what my preference is. Those poor women. But what can you expect in a medical environment that doesn’t adequately reward people to go through the long, hard slog of becoming a doctor?