Tag: National Health Service

I don’t like Bernie because his “Medicare For All” plan is terrible for America’s health and economy

My college-age child introduced me to a website called I Like Bernie, But… which is particularly appealing to young voters. The website offers short answers to concerns pro-Bernie voters might still be harboring about his policies and his ability to win. With few exceptions, these answers are just plain wrong. You

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Death by government

First, a joke, one I’ve told before: In long ago Japan or China (or amongst the Eskimos, or something else), a young boy came across his father carry a large basket on his back. In the basket was the boy’s grandfather. He asked, “Father, where are you taking grandfather?” “Shh,”

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Patient safety is not a focus when the government calls the shots

For three years, a single British hospital that was obsessed with following government health care mandates to the letter, succeeded only in killing 1,200 patients unnecessarily: Twelve NHS trusts are being investigated following a damning report which today slammed ‘appalling’ care at a single hospital. Hundreds of patients may have

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Some quick hits from the Brits *UPDATED*

Britain’s Telegraph has three interesting articles, and the London Times one: Read about the vast difference between Britain’s and France’s socialized medicine. I’d certainly like to know what accounts for the difference before I start making changes to the American system. Color me skeptical, but I bet Obama, who shows

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