I side with the Muslims (and Christians) on this one *UPDATED*
The article only interviewed Muslim parents, but it’s clear Christians were involved as well. These were the parents in England who pulled their young children out of school rather than have the children be subject to a month long GLBT indoctrination, er, education sessions — and who are now being threatened with government sanctions.
Let me state here what regular readers already know: I am a libertarian. I do not care with whom you sleep or with whom you fall in love. I do not wish any ill on any people because of their sexuality. I believe that there is a graduated scale of sexuality, with some people being completely heterosexual and some people being absolutely homosexual (I’ve known both kinds), and many people floating in the middle, amenable to cultural pressures (and I’ve known many of these too).
I am also a parent. If my children are gay I will love them and wish the best for them, whatever their choices. However, I don’t want them to be gay. The gay culture is not a healthy one, with higher rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and partner abuse. This is something I’ve seen first hand, growing up and living in the San Francisco Bay Area, one of the most gay friendly environments in the world. I don’t know why the gay lifestyle seems to carry with it more lifestyle problems, and I won’t hazard any guesses here. Whatever the reason, it’s not what I hope for my children.
Therefore, while I believe it is extremely important that children are taught to be tolerant of people’s lifestyle choices, I do not believe it is up to the public school system to present a cheery perfect view of homosexual life that, quite sadly, is often at odds with the reality of the GLBT culture. I’m concerned that, in addition to providing rah-rah cheer to that small number of children who are indubitably at the homosexual end of the sexuality scale, it will also provide a little too much encouragement to those who float in the fluid middle. Additionally, given that these classes were aimed at 3rd and 4th graders, who have, at best, a hazy view of sexuality, these lessons struck me as teaching way more than the kids needed to know.
P.S. (and warning): This post is about children and education and sexuality and the state assuming the role of parent when it comes to teaching sexual values, especially to very young children . If you wish to engage in gay bashing, do not do it here. I will delete any comments I deem threatening or offensive or just plain crude on that subject.
UPDATE: And, coincidentally, here’s an article from today’s Chron about the fact that lesbians have more health problems, both biological and lifestyle related.