Whenever Democrats “think of the children,” they hurt them
Is there any Democrat policy that hasn’t caused profound harm to America’s children?
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Is there any Democrat policy that hasn’t caused profound harm to America’s children?
Continue readingGovernments are enthusiastically weaponizing the Leftist trend of sexualizing children, because doing so dramatically increases government power. Yesterday I caught up with a month-old article from The Federalist, entitled The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is Next On The Sexual Revolution’s Hit Parade. The article details the myriad ways in which
Continue readingObama deliberately encouraged an influx of illegal alien children as a means of circumventing immigration law. Trump is merely reinstating the rule of law. I should have known that the weekend would explode into talk about Trump’s policies towards illegal aliens when I had an . . . ahem .
Continue readingCandace Owens was wrongly shamed for asking a question about childlessness and angry, bitter women like Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler, and Kathy Griffin. I’m on the verge of being an empty-nester and I couldn’t be happier. I never wanted children and I really hated raising children. Being child-free will be
Continue readingThomas Sowell telling said that facts — real world, life facts — ended his Marxist phase. I’ve compiled a list of life facts that made me conservative. Dave Rubin interviewed Thomas Sowell, who has a new book out called Discrimination and Disparities. I will get myself a copy as soon
Continue readingIt seems that many in today’s world share the popular perception that women nag. I argue in this post, though, that they’re often just doing their job. It’s official: UC Berkeley and Bar-Ilan University in Israel have completed a large study that proves that women are perceived as . .
Continue readingAs the mother of the Obama government’s Plan B (aka “Morning After Pill”) demographic, I have strong feelings about the move to let 15 year olds just go to the store and buy the stuff. The Watcher’s Council has a forum up on that subject and, as always, Council members
Continue readingI had an interesting conversation with my mother, who may be 90, but is still sharper than most people you’ll meet. We got to talking about the Gosnell abortion/murder trial, which came as something of a surprise to her. Despite the fact that she watches the news and reads the
Continue readingThe news is filled with stories lately about the way in which Progressive-managed public schools are behaving insanely when it comes to kids and faux-guns. My friend Mike McDaniel, whose regular home is Stately McDaniel Manor, has an article up at PJ Media today which combines surreal (yet sadly real)
Continue readingI live in an affluent community. One of the constants in this neighborhood is that, if a family can afford it, the mom retires to take care of the kids. This is true even if the mom’s salary was comparable to the dad’s. Often, this isn’t the mom’s preference; it’s
Continue readingHaving babies used to be biologically inevitable. If you were a woman who had sex, the possibility of pregnancy increased automatically with every act of sexual intercourse. People have always had birth control (withdrawal, the rhythm method, vinegar-soaked sponges, primitive condoms, etc.) but their success rate was random and limited.
Continue readingI know I’m just grumpy, but this promotional mailing from Ithaca College rubbed me the wrong way: Ready to write environmental wrongs. Ithaca College will turn your academic passions into unforgettable experiences — and make you ready for the adventure of your life. I know that the first sentence is
Continue readingConservatives often talk about the fact that Progressives use children as a wedge issue for everything. Changes in immigration law? It’s to protect those poor children whose parents illegally dragged them across the border. Changes in health care law? It’s so that children, right up until the childlike age of
Continue readingOne of my favorite silly jokes goes as follows: A man runs into a friend. “Oh, my God!” he says. “I just made the most terrible Freudian slip.” His friend asks “What did you do?” The man answers, “Well, I was having lunch with my mother. I meant to saying
Continue readingSo much of parenting is about communication. Because children listen with their hearts as well as their minds, that communication had better be honest. If it’s not, your child will instantly know you for either a fool or a liar. Being honest, though, is not the same as being judgmental.
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