My friends and I refuse to give in to despair regarding the Supreme Court ruling
Many people are asserting that, in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling, the end is near. I see that in op-eds, in blog posts, and in my email box. America’s constitutional experiment is over, they say. They might be right. Or not.
But here’s the deal: if we give in to despair now, they not only might be right, they will be right. Our political will is currently the only thing standing between a constitutional America and another failed socialist state. If we collapse now, we’ve lost. Or, more simply, winners never quit, and quitters never win.
My last two posts about the Supreme Court ruling might be Pollyanna-ish, as I struggle to find a justification for Judge Roberts’ decision (or more accurately, a justification that doesn’t involve drugs, insanity, and blackmail), but they’re necessary. They’re necessary for my mental health, but they’re also necessary for the conservative movement in America. Frankly, if we give up now, we don’t deserve a voice in our country’s future. We’re wusses, who whine and then do nothing.
I’m not the only one who feels this way. My friend Lulu send me an email that says much the same, and she said I could reprint it here:
Last night I was feeling down about Roberts’ dismaying, incomprehensible betrayal. I felt angry that the fate of our country could ride on the shoulders of one man’s bad decision. Conservatives had enjoyed months of seeing an increasingly unhinged Obama getting closer and closer to a public meltdown. Now we got to again see him strutting and puffing, full of himself and his own grandiosity.
Then I had these comforting thoughts. Obama’s personal victory comes at the price of a law that the majority of Americans don’t want, which diminishes our freedom, and is expensive for the middle class. Romney is a clever man who has run a clever campaign. He will hammer relentlessly on, not only the economy, but on the massive tax we are about to be loaded with to have forced on us something we don’t want. Conservatives are energized and livid.
The victory is Wisconsin hasn’t gone away. The Unions are challenged as never before. We need to be relentless there, and courageous, and continue to point out how the Wisconsin economy revived. We were riding elated after Wisconsin, now they are, but behind Wisconsin was a proven successful economy. Behind ObamaCare is a hugely unpopular and expensive albatross. Defend that.
Here’s what we need to do. Every Conservative should donate to the Romney campaign and to at least one candidate for Senate and the House. Get involved on the grass-roots level in the campaigns. Volunteer.
Do what we can to infiltrate the media. Imagine what an attractive, intelligent black Conservative woman, like Star Parker, could do with a daytime talk show, educating and promoting articulately her ideas on patriotism and self-sufficiency to stay-at-homes and fellow African-Americans. Breitbart always said that Sarah Palin would be the Conservative Oprah. Why not a campaign to get her on TV?
Conservatives, encourage your kids to go into education, to run for the school board, to become administrators. Fight back with numbers.
And expose, expose, expose their lie of being tolerant every time they give the finger to Reagan in the Whitehouse or mock Mormons in a Broadway play, and etc. Inundate the networks with protests
Arise folks, and fight like your country depends on it.
Blogs can lead the way by helping let us know what we can do, numbers we can call, and by giving us a forum to expose.
A sleeping giant woke with the tea party. Now it is furious. We must Educate, educate, educate.
Giving up is the easy way out. We need to work harder than ever now. If nothing else, hard work will keep us from feeling sorry for ourselves.
Please pardon me if I seem like a scold here, but the conservative counter-revolution to the 60s’ counter-culture revolution needs to start somewhere. We’re at the starting line for the race of our lives, the gun has sounded, and we have to run. Run hard, run fast.