[VIDEO] The death of the humanities
I contemplated putting this video on my “real me” Facebook page, along with a question: “Do you think Heather MacDonald is right or wrong?” I decided not to because I realized that only those who already agree with its premise would watch. The rest of my supposedly educated Progressive friends would enthusiastically cheer the death of the classic Eurocentric canon. After all, they would say, even Europe has cheered the death of its own canon, so it behooves the European wannabes in America to do the same. And then they would turn deaf ears to me when I point out that Europe’s loss of faith in itself has led it to provide enthusiastic support to the same Muslims who have come to finish what their fore bearers began in 1683: Europe’s complete conquest.
By the way, Heather MacDonald points to college as the genesis for the students’ closing minds. As you know from my earlier posts, English teachers in high school are already beginning the job, by spending their time teaching Leftist thought, rather than the glories of the English language or the opening of the Renaissance and Enlightenment minds.