Tag: Higher Education

Paris is burning

Bookworm Beat 12/3/18 — the “Paris is burning” edition and open thread

Even as Paris burns, America’s media and other Democrat establishments demand that America institute the socialist policies that are destroying Europe. Paris burns — and the people call for Trump. The mainstream media truly believes in global leadership. Trump’s desire to be America’s, rather than following in his predecessor’s footsteps

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Mt. Holyoke, The Vagina Monologues, and why “The Coming College Decline” is a good thing *UPDATED WITH PERFECT POSTER*

Ronald Brownstein, in a National Journal article entitled “The Coming College Decline,” has noticed that the college bubble is getting near bursting.  He thinks that’s a bad thing for racial reasons. According to him, the ones dropping out of college are minorities, who will be the youthful majority in a

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The Bookworm Beat (9/26/14) — Friday wrap-up edition and Open Thread

My sister summed me up in a sentence: “For an incredibly neurotic person, you’re very normal and easygoing.” I know what she means. All my neuroses are turned inwards. They drive me crazy, but they don’t interfere with anyone outside of my brain. If you meet me, I’m friendly, good-humored,

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