#DearFellowJews: a hashtag to help a #Jexodus (or #Jexit)
Jexodus (or Jexit) asks Jews to leave an increasingly anti-Semitic Democrat Party, something I’m trying to facilitate with tweets to my #DearFellowJews.
If you’ve been paying attention to the news of late, you can’t have missed stories about anti-Semitism. For example, for many years now, France has periodically been roiled by grotesque anti-Semitic murders, including one that happened in connection with the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, in January 2015.
I mention that massacre specifically, because it was an event that lifted for Leftists American Jews, even if ever so slightly, the veil hiding the anti-Semitic rot at the heart of the Democrat Party. As you may recall, in January 2015, Islamists committed a mass murder at the headquarters of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo because it had dared to mock the eminently mockable Mohamed. Two days later, a member of the same radical Islamist community entered a kosher market in Paris, took hostages, killed four people, and injured nine.
The massacre did not occur because anyone in the Hypercacher market had mocked Mohamed. No one had, of course. The only reason the Hypercacher massacre happened was because Islamist murderers always use the opportunity of a massacre to include a few Jews. Thus, when Islamists committed the exceptionally bloody Mumbai massacre, they wasted resources deviating from their central massacre just so that they could torture to death a rabbi and his wife who had a small Chabad House in Mumbai.
In a way, this Muslim massacre technique (a big massacre that includes, as a sideline, brutally killing a few Jews) is comparable to Hitler’s Holocaust: For Hitler and Germany, the primary goal was world conquest. However, just as was the case with the Islamists, Hitler’s anti-Semitism was so all-encompassing that he willingly diverted resources from the main goal to accomplish a secondary goal that was neither ancillary to nor necessary for world conquest. Indeed, it lessened the chances for world conquest, but Hitler couldn’t stop himself.
But I digress. This is not a post about rising anti-Semitism around the world. It’s just a prelude to a post about rising anti-Semitism in America and, more specifically, about the anti-Semitic rot at the heart of the Democrat Party . . . which brings me back to the purposefully anti-Semitic attack on Jews in the Hypercacher market in Paris.
Obama, by then well into his second term as President, had something to say about that event: He casually remarked that the Hypercacher victims were “a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris” whom terrorists “randomly” shot. It was bit of cavalier word-play manifestly intended to hide the fact that the dead and wounded were not just a “bunch of folks in a deli” nor was their shooting random: It was a deliberate, targeted anti-Semitic attack.
Those of us paying attention to Obama in 2008 were not surprised by this cavalier attempt to cover up manifest anti-Semitism within Islam. We knew about the Los Angeles Times hiding “a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi — former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat….” We knew that Obama ran with a hard Left crowd that celebrated the “Palestinians,” who are carpetbaggers who came to the Holy Land in the mid-19th century and considered the Jews, whose ties to the Holy Land extend back in an unbreakable march of over 5,000 years, to be interlopers.
These examples, though, informed only those few Jews paying attention. This stalwart 22% of American Jews refused to vote for Obama in the 2008 election in significant part because they knew that Obama came in with a slimy trail of anti-Semitism in his wake.
When we tried to raise this anti-Semitism with the 78% of Jews who were unbelievably excited about Obama, they dismissed us as paranoid. The Khalidi bash was mere rumor because no sensible newspaper would ever sit on something as newsworthy as that. As for the anti-Semites with whom Obama traveled, well, hadn’t every president made kissy faces with Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson and Al “Diamond Merchants” Sharpton?
We were also told that Presidents can’t always choose their followers so we shouldn’t take it too seriously when they have some extremists backing them — a bit of wisdom that vanished when a minute speck of white supremacists threw their backing to Trump who had never attended secret racist meetings but had, instead, won awards for his work benefiting the African-American community.
Almost immediately, Obama’s nascent presidency exposed a few more problems our president had with Jews. In his first major overseas appearance, Obama went to Egypt subtly implied that Israel came into being, not because of her 5,000 plus years in that land, but because of the Holocaust — a grotesque canard that Muslims advance to support their claim that they are victims of the Nazis too: That is, were it not for Europe’s guilt about the Holocaust (which Muslims claim never happened), the Western imperialists would never have dumped white Jewish Zionist supremacists onto the beleaguered, victimized Muslims.
Obama’s slimy anti-Semitic associations also followed him right into the White House. Immediately after his first inauguration, Obama’s beloved Reverend Wright, who hated America, made it patently clear that he didn’t like Jews either. But again, the 78% of Jews who voted for Obama told us we were hypersensitive, paranoid, unfair, and unrealistic about how the world works.
As Obama’s years in the White House began to add up, those of us Jews who were suspicious never had anything to allay those suspicions. Instead, we saw him treat Benjamin Netanyahu like trash (and we saw Veep Joe Biden do the same. Moreover, we didn’t like it when Clinton treated her opposite number in Israel like a whipped child. And those Jews paying attention got really worried when Obama went out of his way to court Iran, which has as a central part of its government platform the genocidal destruction of Israel. It didn’t get better when Obama shipped pallets full of cash to Iran and lifted sanctions in exchange for . . . nothing. But . . . “world peace!” we were told.
People noticed things and, by 2012, the 22% of Jews who distrusted Obama in 2008 expanded to 31% — but that wasn’t enough to stop him then and still hasn’t been enough to stop the Democrats now.
Funnily enough, though, for all those Jews who were cavalier about Obama’s actions towards Israel and his sleazy acquaintances, Obama’s remark about some random folks in a deli hit close to home. I think that’s because every Jew I know has stories of relatives who died in or survived the death camps. These relatives weren’t some random folks who happened to be caught in a Nazi dragnet. They were people whom the Nazis killed solely because they were Jews. And for Obama to say that the people in the Hypercacher market died randomly, unrelated to their Jewishness . . . well, that bugged a whole lot of Jews who had forgiven Obama much more serious acts of active or passive anti-Semitism. Of course, by then, Obama was on his way out of the White House, so it didn’t matter anymore.
But still, it was an opening; it was the thin edge of the wedge. It raised in people’s minds the concern that the American Left really might have an anti-Semitism problem. And even while too many Jews joined the rest of the Leftists in donning pink hats and marching down the streets with obscene signs, Jews across America have noticed — have been forced to notice — that the Women’s March has been taking over entirely by people who are open in their loathing, not just for Trump, but for Jews. And by people who venerate Farrakhan who likened Jews to termites and called them Satanic. (And don’t forget Bill Clinton’s willingness to stand side-by-side by Farrakhan at Aretha’s funeral.)
And then there’s Ilhan Omar. She’s pretty and she’s very articulate in intersectionality victim-speak. But people, especially Jewish people, started noticing that Omar obsessively kept making rancidly open anti-Semitic statements. In a way, she is as compulsive as the Charlie Hebdo murderers who couldn’t stay away from Hypercacher, as the Mumbai killers who couldn’t leave the rabbi and his wife untouched, or as Hitler who compulsively undermined his own war effort just to kill the Jews.
People also noticed all of Omar’s “sorry, not sorry” fake apologies. And they’ve been noticing that the Leftist media, including the New York Times, has been spinning like a top to cover for Omar’s remarks: If only the Jews wouldn’t give her a reason to be anti-Semitic, if only AIPAC weren’t all about the Benjamins, if only people would understand her intersectional suffering, if only this and if only that.
And Jews have noticed, oh, boy! have they noticed, that the Democrats in Congress have been incapable of doing to Omar what the Republicans did to Rep. Stevens King the moment he awkwardly said something even vaguely supportive of white supremacy — they slammed him against the wall, stripped him of committee assignments, and made it clear that the disavowed everything he said, might have said, might not have said but sounded as if he said, etc. But not the Dems. They stand with Ilhan. She’s still on a prestigious committee that can see her doing massive damage. Moreover, they’re compulsively watering down the language of their “we stand against anti-Semitism” statement so much that it’s a statement against nothing at all, except that Congressional Dems really disapprove of Islamophobia, especially when it intersects with people being castigated for anti-Semitism, or something….
So I’ve been tracking all those things today on Twitter, first by saying “Dear Fellow Jews,” and then by actually creating a #DearFellowJews hashtags. Here are my tweets:
Dear fellow Jews,
Why are 70% of you still voting for Democrats? https://t.co/rCb1GISsIk via @dailycaller
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 5, 2019
Dear fellow Jews,
Please remind me again why 70% of you continue to believe you have a home in the modern Democrat Party. https://t.co/aV0WReYycf
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
Dear fellow Jews,
Will this be your tipping point to recognize that the Democrat Party is not your home? Sadly, I doubt it will be. https://t.co/q8t0guBStO via @powerlineUS
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
A hashtag experiment for conservative Jews: What would you put in a tweet addressed to #DearFellowJews, 70% of whom voted Democrat in 2016?#DearFellowJews: Have you noted that Democrats refuse to distance themselves from Farrakhan, who’s called Jews “termites” and “satantic”?
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
After reading this, please write an essay of any length explaining why you still support the Democrat Party. I’ll wait….
https://t.co/piPm3KX9zh— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
#DearFellowJews: Bernie just signed a loyalty oath to the Democrat Party. Knowing what you know, why have you essentially done the same?
Sanders Fills Ranks With Anti-Israel Advocates Tied to Anti-Semitism Scandal via @freebeacon https://t.co/av1I4T8e85— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
Your relentless allegiance to the political Left and admiration for European norms makes less sense every day. Leave the dark side; come to the light. https://t.co/BJHGBP0Kso
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
#DearFellowJews: With Democrats afraid even to rebuke Ilhan Omar, you can expect anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party to get worse, not better. Is this the political party you want in power?https://t.co/QyIiiVyeVm via @dailycaller
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
70% of you support the Democrats. Are you okay with the fact that at the highest levels in the Democrat Party they’re now excusing Ilhan Omar’s openly expressed, unapologetic anti-Semitism? I’m not okay with that. https://t.co/H5e2DheqZq
— Bookwormroom (@Bookwormroom) March 6, 2019
One of my Twitter friends even got into the act:
#DearFellowJews Trump – Good for the Jews.
— Yosef Cornfeld (@ycornfeld) March 6, 2019
I wish others would follow Yosef Cornfeld’s example.
Here’s the thing: As I’ve often said before, people will go along believing in a certain worldview until something very personal breaks through for them. I turned conservative in large part because (a) public radio kept lying about Israel and (b) it was obvious that welfare incentivized illegitimate babies. Once those two things created overwhelming cognitive dissonance, I turned away from my old Democrat Party allegiance.
For my Mom, her “turn away” moment was the media’s lie that Michelle Obama was a the new Jackie Kennedy. For Brandon Straka, who created the “Walk Away” movement, it was seeing video proving that Trump had not mocked a handicapped reporter. Once he saw one Leftist media lie, he knew there were more. For increasing numbers of African-Americans and Hispanics, it’s seeing that Trump’s policies, by keeping out competition from illegal aliens and letting businesses keep money to grow jobs, are benefiting not hurting them.
Once something breaks through the cognitive dissonance in which the Left seeks to confuse and then bury people, it’s over . . . for the Left.
In the title to this post, I used the phrase #Jexodus. That’s not mine. I stole it from SultanKnish:
A high pressure media campaign has rolled out across major papers, the New York Times, the Washington Post, not to mention the usual digital media smear sites, normalizing and defending Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitic comments.
The Progressive Caucus is standing by her. As is the Congressional Black Caucus, which has met with Farrakhan, and has its own issues with anti-Semitism. Look for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and some of her cohort, which have defended Omar’s anti-Semitism, to start claiming the heads of some of her Jewish critics, like Rep. Engel, as the Corbynization of the Democrats get underway.
The Corbynization of the Democrats will leave Jews with few options as the party turns not only anti-Israel, but overly anti-Semitic, as Corbyn’s Labour has. And it’s important to note that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her DSA mothership are Corbyn allies.
When the process is properly underway, only the most radical leftists of Jewish origin, who are willing to work non-stop to defend anti-Semites, will be able to remain in the party.
Meanwhile the Jexodus momentum is slowly building. The process is partly generational. It will decisively split millennials between Jewish and leftist allegiances. There will be plenty of leftists with Jewish last names vocally defending the DNC’s anti-Semitism, but they will not consider themselves Jewish, except where briefly politically convenient, whose those who identify as Jewish will leave.
This will be a slow and ugly process. Jexodus would make it quicker. It’s the difference between leaving Egypt and having to be expelled.
If you’re on social media, please help the Jexodus (or Jexit, if you prefer). Using hashtags, write #DearFellowJews posts and explain to them the beauty of #Jexodus and #Jexit. It’s time, because if Jews wait too long, every day will be Hypercacher day somewhere in America.