Bookworm Beat 11/15/24: The MEGA MAGA TRUMP VICTORY meme edition
This could also be called the schadenfreude meme edition, because a lot of it is taken up with mocking leftists as they writhe in agony over the election.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
This could also be called the schadenfreude meme edition, because a lot of it is taken up with mocking leftists as they writhe in agony over the election.
Continue readingIt’s a ginormous illustrated edition. Come for the laughs; stay for the tears as you contemplate America in 2023.
Continue readingAt American Thinker, I suggested that we’re overlooking the obvious candidate to take over for Biden after he’s ousted under the 25th Amendment. Barack Obama was at the White House yesterday, making it clear, as did others at the reception held in Obama’s honor, that Biden’s presidency is over. Watching
Continue readingPatriots are right to believe that there is a massive Deep State conspiracy, although it may be different from the theory they’ve identified. MartyrMade took to Twitter to explain why Trump supporters and others are willing to accept completely the theory that Biden is a Pretender, not a president. In
Continue readingOver a decade ago, I realized how true to form American leftists run. They’re more aggressive now, but their tactics are still the same. A friend and I were speaking about the political predictions we’ve made in the last decade. We realized that I was right significantly more often than
Continue readingThe innocuous celebrity endorsement behind an ad for Tunnel to Towers, a truly laudatory charity, always irritates me. Often when I watch Tucker, I see advertisements for a truly worthy charity called the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. According to the commercials, it builds smart homes for horribly wounded military personal.
Continue readingWhile most people want to disassociate themselves from flies, Democrats are behaving as if flies are their heroic avatars. Because humans are what they are, the fact that a fly briefly alighted on Mike Pence’s head during the vice presidential debate, the story was considered newsworthy. After all, flies are
Continue readingNewly released FBI texts show that middle-class people will usually ignore principles and take whatever path helps them pay their bills. In May 2017, Trump fired James Comey. Comey, of course, presented himself (he still does) as the most virtuous man in Washington. But even then, before we knew that
Continue readingThe Democrats have played a long game and are confident that, when they begin their openly planned coup, the military will support them. Michael Anton’s essay is framed as a question: “The Coming Coup?” In fact, Anton proves that the planned coup is already in play. Unlike the ordinary conspiracy
Continue readingThe Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts have been released. They exonerate Michael Flynn and indict everyone else in the Obama Administration. perhaps even Obama himself, who conspired against Flynn. On January 4, 2017, the FBI agent overseeing the Crossfire Razor investigation of Michael Flynn drafted, but did not file, a memorandum. In it,
Continue readingTalking to Maria Bartiromo, Trump did more than talk about China and trade. He showed his bona fides as a president competent to lead on the economy. I watched the segment showing Trump talking to Maria Bartiromo about China. Indeed, he is not given to mellifluous phrases, big words, and
Continue readingWhile the Democrats keep squawking about proportionality, the facts show that Trump’s targeting Soleimani was proportional to the risks Iran presents. Nancy Pelosi is leading the charge against Trump for targeting IRGC General Qassam Soleimani. This attack is purely political and designed to gather political advantage, irrespective of cost to
Continue readingTrump’s brilliant targeted strike against one of the world’s most evil men, while it offended the Left, may help bring down the Mullahs’ rule in Iran. So, let’s have a brief rundown, shall we? On December 27, a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base in Kirkuk, Northern Iraq, killed
Continue readingHaving thought a bit about both the Horowitz Report and the impeachment, I’ve got some ideas, all of which reflect very badly on the FBI and the Democrats. The Horowitz IG Report — my takeaways My main takeaway is that Obama knew all along. That Obama cheerfully went along with
Continue readingIn America and around the world, a transnational elite postures for itself and despises the people it rules. This is a recipe for a bloody revolution. The other day, I was listening to Heather MacDonald speaking about homelessness during an appearance on City Journal’s Ten Blocks podcast. She was describing
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