The Bookworm Thinker for 19 Oct. 2021
Welcome, all, on this date of 19 Oct. 2021. On this day in:
1781 A.D. — Britain’s Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army to George Washington and the Comte de Rochambeau at the Siege of Yorktown, a decisive event that marked the beginning of the end of the Revolutionary War, though fighting would continue for more than a year afterward, mostly in South Carolina.
1216 A.D. — King John of England died of dysentery on this day, before he had the opportunity to revoke the Magna Carta, a document he had signed but months earlier to forestall civil war and a document that he likely had no intention of honoring. His 9-year-old son, Henry III, assumed the throne. The regents, acting on Henry’s behalf, affirmed the Magna Carta publicly. This was a political move designed to end a major threat to the crown, It also proved a watershed event in the development of republicanism and individual rights that culminated centuries later in the U.S. Constitution.
Now on to the important part of this post.
Ms. Book W. Room, writing under the nom de guerre of Andrea Widburg, is employed by the conservative site, American Thinker, to edit submissions to the site and to write several daily posts of her own. Below are her posts on this date. Since commentary to the posts are restricted at American Thinker (long story), feel free to comment on the day’s offerings below.
Today’s Offerings:
The DOJ has finally disgorged some exculpatory evidence about January 6
For a very long time, based on a few short snippets of random videos that people outside and inside of the Capitol shot on January 6, conservatives have been arguing that significant numbers of the people who entered the Capitol that day did so because the Capitol Police let them in. Their presence there wasn’t an insurrection or even an unauthorized trespass—they had a right to be there once the “guardians” of the Capitol opened the door. Now, the official video from the Capitol confirms that those snippets were accurate.
January 6 defendants and conservative media outlets have been demanding for ten months that the Department of Justice release the 14,000 hours of footage it has showing what happened at the Capitol on that day. . . .
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A student’s anxiety attack about “cisgender” workmen is peak Oberlin
Early in October, Oberlin College in Ohio (annual tuition plus living expenses: $78,147) began to update radiators in student rooms, something that’s good in a cold climate. However, one student living in “the home of the Women and Trans Collective” was so outraged by having “cisgender men” invade “his” (?) room that he wrote a long essay about the horror of it all. And The Oberlin Review, rather than having a good laugh at his expense, went ahead and published the darn thing. The student’s abnormal reaction to a normal event is very telling and worth noting.
This is Peter Fray-Witzer . . .
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. . . And a comment from Wolf: Just a reminder, the term “cisgender” is a fantasy term coined by the left to place what are abnormal sexual proclivities on a mere spectrum with normal heterosexuality.
Biden has nominated an anti-gun activist to be Solicitor General
Joe Biden nominated David Chipman, an anti-gun fanatic, to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (although thankfully he withdrew); Tracy Stone-Manning, an ecoterrorist to head the Bureau of Land Management; Kristen Clarke, an openly anti-White racist and anti-Semite to lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division; and Rear Admiral Ann Phillips (ret.), someone with zero shipping experience, to serve as the next U.S. Maritime Administration administrator. That’s why it shouldn’t come as any surprise that his nominee for Solicitor General is a fanatic anti-gun activist who participated in the simultaneously abusive and farcical Mueller investigation.
The National Association for Gun Rights sent out a press release detailing the problem with Elizabeth Prelogar . . .
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No one should be surprised by the ACLU’s new support for censorship
While Loudoun County’s school district has been getting deserved attention because of its far-left policies and its willingness to ignore a students’ sexual assault to advance those policies, Virginia’s Fairfax County is also embroiled in a fight with parents. There, the fight revolves around documents the district released in response to a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request but that it now wants removed from the public domain. The ACLU has been conspicuously silent about the district’s wrongful conduct while encouraging censorship in Loudoun County. This shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows that ACLU’s hard-left history.
First, the relevant facts, from Hans Bader, at Liberty Unyielding . . .
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