The FBI Raid: Pearl Harbor or a version of the Reichstag fire?
Will the FBI’s raid result in the constitutional version of America’s response to Pearl Harbor or the German response to the Reichstag fire?
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Will the FBI’s raid result in the constitutional version of America’s response to Pearl Harbor or the German response to the Reichstag fire?
Continue readingWelcome, all, on this date of 19 Oct. 2021. On this day in: 1781 A.D. — Britain’s Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army to George Washington and the Comte de Rochambeau at the Siege of Yorktown, a decisive event that marked the beginning of the end of the Revolutionary War, though
Continue readingGood morning, all. Ms. Book W. Room, writing under the nom de guerre of Andrea Widburg, is employed by the conservative site, American Thinker, to edit submissions to the site and to write several daily posts of her own. Below are her posts on this date. Since commentary to the
Continue readingThe left has two missions. Defeat Trump and stop Bill Barr before he exposes the worst political scandal in our nation’s history. Democrats are trying to accomplish both with the Roger Stone sentencing fiasco. But that is hardly the only bizarre twist and turn to this story. Roger Stone’s prosecution
Continue readingThe Horowitz Report documents one of the worst political scandals in US history. Whether criminal complaints come out of it depends on who knew what & when. This is the third post in a series evaluating the facts DOJ IG Michael Horowitz presented in the 400+ page DOJ IG Review of
Continue readingWith Bruce Ohr’s 302’s and Kathleen Kavalec’s memo available, the full picture of the agency machinations behind RussiaGate looks just like a coup. If the FBI and DOJ undertook the Trump Russia collusion investigation without probable cause, then the question becomes whether it was a coup by the government with
Continue readingWe still do not know whether the DNC, FBI and DOJ acted unlawfully to create an October surprise that would elect Hillary in 2016, nor do we know beyond reasonable doubt that Seth Rich’s murder was unrelated. Two recent articles raise important issues regarding the Russia hoax. At Real Clear
Continue readingExpect deep state leaks to pick up to fire hose speed as the left targets AG Bill Barr and tries to minimize their criminal actions. Is anyone else tired of criminal deep state denizens leaking classified information to a corrupt media in order to, at best, unfairly slant the news
Continue readingProggie congresscritters claim to be shocked at charges about Obama administration “spying” on team Trump. Given the public record, that is itself shocking. This from the Blaze (internal links omitted): At a hearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) asked Barr about a team he had indicated the
Continue readingMueller shows that Russia Collusion belonged to Clinton/Democrat, not Trump. We must now reinstate the Rule of Law by prosecuting those behind this crime. Mueller Day has arrived — and what we find is that everything provided to the FBI to start this investigation — all of the factual allegations
Continue readingThe unproven calumnies aimed at Donald Trump’s head are a reminder that, when governments, corporations or mobs deal in false accusations, justice is dead. Within the past few days, Bob Woodward dropped a book claiming to have first, or second, or third hand information from anonymous people who are, like,
Continue readingJustice is supposed to be blind. That is not the case in America today and President Trump is partly to blame. [Update: This today from the Daily Caller: President Donald Trump chose to have the indictments of 12 Russian hackers announced before his Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin,
Continue readingThe real Russia collusion — Obama and Clinton team with Russia against Trump — makes sense if you look at the motives driving the various actors. Da Vinci once said that “Every action needs to be prompted by a motive.” Motive is certainly a helpful tool when it comes to bringing
Continue readingReviewing Unit 1 of BYU’s online Honors Government class suggests it’s no better than the high school class; the only advantage is that students save time. There’s an interesting unofficial experiment taking place at Little Bookworm’s high school: Rather than sitting through a semester of Government (five days a week
Continue readingNew facts show that the so-called Russia conspiracy was in fact a product of savvy Russians and credulous, willing, and very dishonest Democrat operatives. This Trump-Russia collusion narrative is looking more and more like an incredibly intelligent mix of publicly available facts wrapped around some damning pieces of knowing slanders
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