Category: Economics

Stephen Moore, of the Wall Street Journal, knows how to give a good speech

When conservative writers and thinkers come to San Francisco, it’s a good bet that they’re doing so under the aegis of Sally Pipes’ Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a conservative think tank rather surprisingly located in San Francisco.  Sally’s specialty is free-market medical care, but PRI is concerned generally with free

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Thomas Sowell on the fallacy of liberal ideas

“Who’s Thomas Sowell?” my daughter asked. “He’s a genius,” I replied. “Why?” “Because he has the rare gift of simplifying very complex ideas without dumbing them down.” See for yourself: After listening to Sowell, my blog’s motto seems appropriate:  “Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and

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Obama’s economy and his health care plan come together in the restaurant business

On Monday, I noted that ObamaCare regulations requiring employers to provide full (really full) insurance coverage to all employees may make running restaurants, which have a famously low profit margin, so prohibitively expensive that many will go out of business. It turns out that we needn’t fear this eventuality, because

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Cargo cults and E-cons

Quite clearly, our own environmentally sensitive natives believed that all one needed to do was to build bricks, mortar and steel into modern-looking structures, pick an environmentally friendly “technology” with a cool sounding name and, voila! Magic benefits would come out of thin air – endless BTUs of cheap, pollution-free, guilt-free, Gaia-approved energy that defied the laws of physics, engineering and economics.

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