Category: Environmentalism

Trump crept a little bit closer to earning my vote today

I’m not a Trump voter; I’m a #NeverHillary voter.  However, I’d much prefer to vote for someone than against someone else. Voting is more fulfilling as an affirmative act than as a negative one. So, I look for those moments when Trump says something that makes me think “Yes!” Well, Mr. Trump did

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The Bookworm Beat 7-7-15 — the “some things never get old” edition and open thread

None of these links have current dates because they’ve been sitting on my spindle for a while, but each addresses a current issue, and it would be criminal if I didn’t share them with you: Nevada puts education power back in parents’ hands People who oppose the power of the

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The Bookworm Beat 5-18-15 — the “but wait, there’s more!” edition and Open Thread

I’m still going through my emails and finding fabulous treasures. Let’s so how many I can fit into this post: Revolutions always eat their own Assuming one survives a revolution, one of the most enjoyable spectacles is seeing the second generation of revolutionaries turn on the first. Just today, there are

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The Bookworm Beat (11/15/14) — Time warp edition (and Open Thread)

Why is this a “time warp edition”? Because even though I’m publishing it on Saturday, I actually wrote it on Friday. The reason delayed publishing is because I’m spending all day Saturday attending part II of my CERT training. I expect the training to be more of the same stuff as last

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With the latest news about Drakes Bay Oyster Co.’s legal counsel, what’s a good Marin liberal to do?

People in Marin have been extremely upset about the decision Ken Salazar (Secy of the Interior) made to shut down Drakes Bay Oyster Co.  The oyster company is a fixture in Point Reyes, and has been sustainably harvesting oysters for decades.  It is insufficiently pure for ObamaWorld, though, so it’s

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Cargo cults and E-cons

Quite clearly, our own environmentally sensitive natives believed that all one needed to do was to build bricks, mortar and steel into modern-looking structures, pick an environmentally friendly “technology” with a cool sounding name and, voila! Magic benefits would come out of thin air – endless BTUs of cheap, pollution-free, guilt-free, Gaia-approved energy that defied the laws of physics, engineering and economics.

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“Keynes” and other back-pats

Here’s a Robert Samuelson article, “bye bye Keynes” that should give us all pause: the arguments he uses to write Keynes’ obituary are arguments that we all posited in our own excoriation of Keynes in years past, in response to a string of commentators, ranging from A to Z. I’ve

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