Category: Jihad

Educating the masses: While a small percentage of Muslims are terrorists, almost all terrorists are Muslims

In today’s world, only a fraction (about 10%) of Muslims are or want to be terrorists.  However — and this is the important point — the vast majority of terrorist acts are committed by those identifying themselves as Muslims. Believe it or not, though, but there’s an even greater threat to Americans today than

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Using the tragedy in Paris as a way to get the mushy middle to take seriously the existential threat we face

I’m trying to think of ways to get the mentally flabby, but still impassioned, Progressives on my real-me Facebook feed to start figuring out that their way is not working. My latest effort was to post a link to the news story talking about how France’s Front National leader Marine

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One theory behind the fact that jihadists been targeting Europe instead of just America

Paris is under jihadist siege. The head of British intelligence promises that the West (mostly England, apparently) can expect another mass jihadist attack. My question is why are Muslims attacking Europe at all? Well, of course, part of the answer is that, like the scorpion, jihadists attack and kill because it’s their

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The Bookworm Beat (10/24/14) — Friday’s New York “E-bowling” wrap up

My friend Sally Zelikovsky came up with the pun about a new sport called “E-bowling” after word emerged that the New York physician, who was ostensibly “self-isolating” himself, actually trawled all over the New York, using subways and Uber, to engage in activities ranging from dining out to bowling. I

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Is it time to dig out the bullets packed in pig grease? (And let’s identify the real Islamophobes.) *UPDATED*

Practically from the moment after September 11, 2001, people started saying that the most effective way to fight Muslims was to lace American ammunition with pork.  Finally, in 2013, an Idaho company came up with pork-laced ammunition for non-military customers: Jihawg Ammo today announced release of the industry’s first truly defensive

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The Bookworm Beat — 9/3/14 “what makes Progressives tick” edition

Yahoo News had a short photo essay about transparent animals. I’m by way of being a transparent animal myself this year. Thanks to bone and muscle breakdowns, surgery, and anemia, I’ve been cut open, scanned, x-rayed, probed, and pretty much turned inside out in an effort to repair what’s wrong.

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Obama’s awful statement about James Foley was even worse than I predicted

In my post about James Foley’s execution at ISIS’s hands, I made some predictions about Obama’s eventual statement.  Let’s see how my prediction matches with reality.  First, my prediction: Obama will eventually issue a bland, fairly affect-free statement, either through a spokesman or through a brief appearance on the White

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America’s response to James Foley’s beheading, as it SHOULD be, and as it actually WILL be *UPDATED*

We are a tribal people, whether we like it or not. The brutal murder of thousands of Yazidis appropriately excites our horror and compassion, but the murder of reporter James Foley is a direct attack on us, rather than an attack on undeserving others. He is one of us: An American

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