Category: Hamas

Bookworm Beat Honduran Invasion Ukraine

The Bookworm Beat 5/24/16 — the “world keeps turning” edition and open thread

I’ve switched migraine medicines and have been a little limp and dazed, but the migraines are passing and my energy is returning — so what better thing to do than write a round-up? No, more Muslims will not save us from the ones we already have.  Daniel Greenfield takes up

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It’s okay to be judgmental — as long as you’re making the right judgments

“You’re so judgmental, Mom,” my teen told me yesterday.  The reason for this statement (and he totally missed the irony of his judging me for being too judgmental) was the distaste I expressed for Mark Zuckerberg. I didn’t defend myself against my teen’s charge. “You’re damn right I’m judgmental.  Zuckerberg deserves

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The Bookworm Beat — 8/26/14 mid-day edition (and Open Thread)

Years ago, during the Bush administration, James Taranto read a despairing AP article in which the Progressive author opined that “everything is seemingly spinning out of control.” Taranto loved that phrase and used it to preface any link to crazy things, or things that made Progressive’s crazy. That phrase keeps wandering

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The Bookworm Beat — August 16 Saturday Night Special

Yesterday, the phone or the doorbell rang every 10-20 minutes all afternoon and evening. We had a rotating cast of characters for dinner, one of my dogs hid for the day, and the other dog barked itself into laryngitis. I have no complaints, as I like a social house, but

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J’Accuse! The Western media has the blood of Gazan children on its hands

At a military level, Hamas’s advantages in the war with Israel are minimal.  Its rocket strikes were ineffectual against Israel because of the Iron Dome missile defense system.  In the ground war, it is certainly able to kill Israeli soldiers (most recently, three died in a booby-trapped UN building), but ultimately Israel

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