Category: Iran

I’m shocked, shocked!

Only Claude Raines, of course, could infuse the word “shocked” with the perfect sarcastic inflection, indicating that he wasn’t shocked at all, but you’ll still know exactly what I mean when you read the following: Iran warned Sunday it may limit cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog, expressing disappointment over

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Victory might be ours

I love Dean Barnett’s column explaining how much Bush and our military have achieved In Iraq and deservedly castigating the Democrats who would, first, deny that any victory is within our sights and, second, give the credit for American perseverance, strength and fortitude to the Iranians.

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Why you shouldn’t cut off your nose to spite your face

I’ve been finding very disturbing the intense hostility that conservatives direct against John McCain. So much so that I wrote a very long rant on the subject, which American Thinker was kind enough to publish and which I reprint below: Perhaps because I’m a neocon, and not a dyed-in-the-wool, native-born

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