Category: Palestinians

Paper on spindle

The Bookworm Beat 3/15/17 — clearing the spindle, part deux, and open thread

I’ve cleared my spindle and the articles I linked are a feast for the hungry mind — the Middle East, climate change, policing, gender, Obamacare, and more. There’s land if the Palestinians want it. Did you know that President al-Sisi in Egypt has offered the Palestinians a state that would

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Bureaucrats seeking job security can be incredibly dangerous *UPDATED*

There are few things more dangerous than a collection of bureaucrats willing to stop at nothing to keep the bureaucracy alive for their own benefit. We’ve seen that here in America. Obama’s bureaucrats, knowing that the good times roll better for bureaucrats under Democratic presidents than under Republican ones, have

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The Bookworm Beat 10/21/16 — the “politics as usual” edition and open thread

The American media suddenly discovers antisemitism in America. You know it’s not a coincidence when several mainstream media outlets that every non-conservative Jew reads suddenly announce that Donald Trump’s supporters are crazed antisemites. These are, of course, the same media outlets that have been silent for years about the antisemitism at

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Bookworm Beat Woman Writing American Left's Fascism Russia Hoax

The Bookworm Beat 9/8/16 — the “my dog is crazy” edition and open thread

The older of my two dogs is very high-strung and she got so frightened by the wind that carried the fog in tonight that I’ve had to sequester her and me in my home office so that Mr. Bookworm, who needs to get up for work tomorrow, can sleep. She shows no

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Mob Illustrated edition post-election counting

The Bookworm Beat 5/26/16 — the “day after hump day” edition

The migraine is fading, helped by a surprise three-hour nap, and my energy is returning. Yay!!! Now I can blog: Was losing good for Ted Cruz? I was really in it to win it for Ted Cruz. I continue to think he is the most principled conservative in American politics.

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Bookworm Beat Honduran Invasion Ukraine

The Bookworm Beat 5/24/16 — the “world keeps turning” edition and open thread

I’ve switched migraine medicines and have been a little limp and dazed, but the migraines are passing and my energy is returning — so what better thing to do than write a round-up? No, more Muslims will not save us from the ones we already have.  Daniel Greenfield takes up

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The Bookworm Beat 1/19/16 — the speed round-up and open thread

Another day, another incredible collection of articles I think you’ll like, all of which I’ve tried to present in a way that’s both interesting and brief. Yet another government lie. Is everything we think we know about the cost of living data false? And worse, is the actual cost of

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[VIDEO] An almost perfect video about media bias against Israel

The only problem with this otherwise excellent video is that it is aimed at those who already know what’s really happening — i.e., a knife intifada that sees Palestinians stabbing to death as many Israelis as possible, combined with a world media that assiduously focuses on Palestinian deaths with no regard

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It’s not about Palestinians; it’s about antisemitism

The Left constantly says that it’s not antisemitic with its endless attacks against Israel. Instead, its rabid spokespeople insist, the Left (whether rejoicing under the name of Progressives, Democrats, Liberals, Labour Party members, Europeans of various stripes, etc) is just keeping a tight focus on the horrible suffering of the

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