The Bookworm Beat 5-22-15 — the “no more doctors, please!” edition and open thread

My post title notwithstanding, I am well, I have been well, and I expect that I will continue to be well. It’s just that I’ve spent between five and fifteen hours every week for the last few weeks in doctors’ offices thanks to my mother and my kids, all of

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Muslims aren’t the only ones engaged in an all-out War against Christianity

Religion is in the news a lot lately. All around the world, in what I’m sure is just a bizarre coincidence, masses of people who just happen to be Muslim (and proudly say so) are busily decapitating people, shooting people, raping people, burning people, and stoning people — all of

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It’s not about Palestinians; it’s about antisemitism

The Left constantly says that it’s not antisemitic with its endless attacks against Israel. Instead, its rabid spokespeople insist, the Left (whether rejoicing under the name of Progressives, Democrats, Liberals, Labour Party members, Europeans of various stripes, etc) is just keeping a tight focus on the horrible suffering of the

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If you read just one article today about ISIS, read Graeme Wood’s “What ISIS Really Wants”

I can’t imagine that you’ve traveled anywhere across the conservative internet today without coming across a link to Graeme Wood’s “What ISIS Really Wants.” It’s a long article, but so informative and important that it would be a good thing if everybody took a few minutes out of their day to

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The Bookworm Beat 2-6-15 — the “Fearless Friday” edition and Open Thread

Obama’s adversarial relationship with Christianity What did we expect already from yesterday’s Prayer Breakfast? Obama long ago put the world on notice that he’s going full Bulworth (i.e., after six years in office, he intends, finally, to stop lying and speak the truth). While before Obama just let out peevish little

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The Bookworm Beat 2-4-15 — The “Obama’s not sad” edition and Open Thread

It’s been pouring paying clients lately, which is a good thing but, as always, it cuts into my blogging time.  I’ll skip the preliminaries and throw myself in the round-up. It’s a bad thing when our president is happy My Mom, in commenting on the state of the world today,

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Eradicating totalitarianism; or I love it when Huffington Post makes a point for me

Huffington Post leans Left.  It is not a media outlet that believes that the only way to destroy the jihadist mindset is to wipe it out from top to bottom.  Instead, HuffPo’s editorial policy makes clear that, in keeping with most major media outlets, it’s very certain that, somewhere out there, there’s

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