Bookworm Podcast transgenderism Russia Hoax military coup Thanksgiving

No. 22 Bookworm Podcast: Trump’s Syria decision represents the Trump doctrine

Regarding Syria, Trump is fulfilling a prediction I made two years ago about the Trump Doctrine, a repudiation of Wilsonian and Obama foreign policies. Today’s podcast looks at President Trump’s decision to withdraw American troops from Syria. While many people are upset at the president for doing so, especially because

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Passover Charlton Heston as Moses

The news from North Korea reminds is that Passover is always relevant

Trump’s decision to change the paradigm with North Korea illustrates the precept in my annual Passover post: Tyrannies must be decapitated, not placated. Starting with Bill Clinton, America fawned over North Korea’s tyrannical rulers, sending them money and promising not to hurt them. In those same years, North Korea’s rulers

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Middle Eastern Christians ISIS destroys church

Middle Eastern Christians: To understand their plight, look to the past

Muslims have recently escalated killing Middle Eastern Christians. Robert Spencer explains the deep historic roots behind this new slaughter. One of the family jokes is that, when the kids used to ask me for help with their history homework, no matter the historic subject at issue, I’d always say either “You

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Trump has a pro-American foreign policy that owes nothing to either Wilson or Obama

For 100 years, the Wilson Doctrine defined American foreign policy, whether applied affirmatively or, under Obama, negatively. Trump is changing all that. When the Great War (now known as World War I) erupted in 1914, dragging Europe from the pinnacle of civilization into an abyss of mindless killing, President Woodrow

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Swedish Ebba Akerlund illustrative of dead children terrorism and the media

[VIDEO] When it comes to the media and dead children, some children are more equal than others

Two British journalists speak bluntly about the fact that our media is forcing us to care more about the enemy’s dead children than about our own. Paul Joseph Watson, who should have a bigger, better, less conspiracy-oriented venue than Alex Jones’ InfoWars, has published his most recent video, this time

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Passover -- the final plague

Passover 5778 — In a dangerous world, a more relevant holiday than ever

Tonight marks the beginning of Passover 5778. Donald Trump’s targeted attack on Syria indicates that he understands the import of this timeless story. In mid-2009, a few months into Barack Obama’s presidency, Iran had its Green Revolution, when tens of thousands of brave Iranians took to the streets in Tehran

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