Tag: NFL

Bookworm Beat Woman Writing American Left's Fascism Russia Hoax

Bookworm Beat 12/5/18 — the American Left’s fascism

Taking a hard look at the American Left’s fascism (its silencing speech, antisemitism, and moral depravity), with room for some fun and uplifting news too. The Flynn sentencing memo shows collusion. No, I haven’t gone crazy. Instead, I agree with Joel Pollak, who says the memo highlights that the real

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NFL players take a knee

The NFL Knee Battle : A Yuge Wager In The Culture War (Edited & Updated With An Op-ed By A Black U.S. Army Officer)

With 1/5 of the NFL having doubled down on Marxist racism, we are witnessing its bet that, in the culture war, patriotic Americans will take a knee. By interjecting radical black Marxist/progressive politics into the NFL, the progressive left has just accepted — and indeed, doubled down — in a

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