Tag: Vaccinations

Putting the Biden government’s COVID pressure in a proper historical context

With a historical perspective, it’s plain that Fauci, Facebook, and Biden are being hysterical about vaccines solely to increase their power.  On Friday, Pervy Joe, the man occupying the White House, insisted that Facebook was “killing people” because it wasn’t censoring enough information about COVID. Facebook blasted back that it

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The Bookworm Beat (10/24/14) — Friday’s New York “E-bowling” wrap up

My friend Sally Zelikovsky came up with the pun about a new sport called “E-bowling” after word emerged that the New York physician, who was ostensibly “self-isolating” himself, actually trawled all over the New York, using subways and Uber, to engage in activities ranging from dining out to bowling. I

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The herd immunity theory of unions

When we think of herd immunity, we think of vaccinations.  Fewer parents are vaccinating their children nowadays because of their fears about negative reactions to vaccinations (including the now-debunked theory about vaccinations causing autism).  Those parents skipping vaccination point triumphantly to the fact that, despite their children’s vaccination-free status, there

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