Category: Conservative ideology

Memorializing the Twitter Files – V. Twitter & Trump 8 Jan. 2021

Documenting the decision to ban the sitting President, Donald Trump, from Twitter on 8 January, including internal and external pressure to do so. The decision further emboldened Twitter to dive headlong into censorship, both with and without government partners. THREAD: THE TWITTER FILES PART FIVE. THE REMOVAL OF TRUMP FROM

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conservative internet sites

Why you should fund the big conservative internet sites

If you believe in re-electing President Trump and advancing Constitutional American values, you must subscribe to conservative internet sites. Once upon a time, big internet sites relied on advertising to pay for technology and staff. As ads began to clutter websites, slowing loading, and resulting in irritating pop-ups, internet users

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Donald Trump NOT Right Wing

Trump is not Right Wing because America has no Right Wing

American conservatives, Trump included, by definition cannot be Right Wing, because their primary goal is to lessen government control over the individual. John Lott wrote an article challenging the media’s contention that the New Zealand mosque shooter is “right wing” and, naturally, tying that right-winged-ness to President Trump and his

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Movie Review: Death Wish

“Death Wish” (2018) by The Closet Conservative Is this a movie that has Liberals squirming in their seats? Absolutely… A movie that is a Conservatives wet dream? Perhaps… A movie that will live in your minds as an all-time classic? Doubtful… A movie that will make you smile, laugh uncomfortably,

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