Month: March 2010

Getting nervous

The Group-Palooza that I blogged about here is taking place in Marin today.  There are 400 attendees plus a long waiting list.  The local Organizing For America (the Obama activist organization) is getting nervous, and sent an emergency email out to its followers saying that it would be “embarrassing” if

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There are no left wing bad guys as far as the media is concerned *UPDATED*

As you might have guessed, despite his self-identification as a Democrat, his Bush-loathing and his Truther beliefs, the MSM is characterizing the Pentagon shooter as a “right-wing extremist.”  Allahpundit asks almost the right question: Is it possible to be a “left-wing extremist” anymore or do nuts who embrace some lefty

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My prediction, if the House Democrats swallow the reconciliation bait

I believe more and more strongly that reconciliation is a red herring, meant to induce the House to pass the Senate bill.  Once that’s done, this so called “reconciliation,” an alleged second bill that will smooth away the differences between the two chambers (especially the House’s demand that abortion, which

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Maybe liberals need a linguist’s help to hide what they’re saying, not to promote it

I found the following paragraph, culled from the San Francisco Chronicle, fascinating (emphasis mine): From top congressional leaders to online activists, liberals have sought the wisdom of UC Berkeley linguistics Professor George Lakoff for years. They ask him to teach them to do something that conservatives traditionally have done better

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