Category: Law

Tyre Nichols, Race Baiting & The War on Police (Update II)

The death of Tyre Nichols was horrid and unnecessary, but racial and anti-police politics, not justice, appear to be front and center in this case. Tyre Nichols’ death was likely caused by a single rogue officer who used excessive force. Part of the problem is societal — why do so

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Pelosi Polishes A Turd

Nancy Pelosi crafts a joke resolution to “formalize” the Star Chamber impeachment inquiry.  Unfortunately, the joke is on America. Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that she intended to bring a Resolution to the floor on Thursday.  As she described it: “This resolution establishes the procedure for hearings that are open to

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Trump House Judiciary Committee John Dean

House Judiciary Committee calls as its first witness . . . John Dean

Jerry Nadler’s House Judiciary Committee opens its hearings with John Dean, disgraced former White House Counsel. Republicans should be thrilled. John Dean is about to testify that Trump’s actions amount to an unlawful obstruction of justice.  Jerry Nadler will invite Dean to explain how everything Trump did per the Mueller

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Attempted coup

Progressives collude to prevent investigation of attempted coup

By resisting an investigation of the apparent attempted coup against Trump, Progressives reject a core Anglo-American doctrine that no one is above the law. The “Trump-Russia collusion investigation” — 2+ years, $30+ million, and using all the investigative resources of government — is over.  Given the specificity and nature of

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Privacy Security Memo Steele Dossier Fifth Column Deep State FISA NSA 4th Amendment

Critically important: FISA, the NSA, and the 4th Amendment

With FISA and the NSA in the news, learn why abusing them isn’t arcane procedural stuff but is, instead, critically important to American freedom. Did the Obama administration illegally use its power in multiple ways to access NSA intercepts so that it could gain intelligence on – and kneecap – Trump’s administration?

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Professional licensing requirements keep out

Professional licensing requirements: harming workers, harming consumers

Professional licensing requirements look very unconstitutional when government power supports monopolies without benefiting either licensees or consumers. Almost a decade ago, in a post entitled “The scam what am,” I described one of the few things that make me, a rather temperate person, start ranting like a crazy woman: If

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The Originalism v Living Constitution fight

Constitutional Originalism or the “living Constitution”: Gorsuch’s nomination and a tale of two law profs

The Gorsuch nomination, pitting Originalism against a “living Constitution,” is a fight for America’s soul — so pay attention because this is important! Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination has brought to the fore the seemingly dry argument about two competing theories of Constitutional interpretation, Originalism and the “living Constitution.” Gorsuch himself

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Judge Derrick Watson 9th Circuit Refugees ruling Rule of Law

The Bookworm Beat 3/16/17 — the Rule of Law is Dead edition and open thread

While the rule of law is not completely dead, it’s dead enough to justify the title for this quick round up of today’s lawless news. The latest federal opinions would bar President Trump from ever again issuing an executive order. William Jacobson, of Legal Insurrection, has looked beyond the obvious

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Found it on Facebook — more stupid and/or dishonest posters from the Lefties

Between the Islamic terror attack on Nice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s decision to go full Bulworth, and Hillary’s semi-pass from Comey (a scathing indictment followed by a “get out of jail free” card), there’s been a bumper crop of stupidity in the Facebook feeds of my Lefty friends.  I have to

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