The Democrats’ “Taming of the Shrew” strategy for American blacks
It’s all good, guys. I’ve finally figured out what’s been going on. We’ve just been reading history dead wrong. The operating historic premise is that the KKK and the Democrat party parted ways during the Civil Rights movement. When the KKK guys realized that northern Democrats who supported civil rights now owned the Democrat party, they walked out en masse and became Republicans. That way, they were free to indulge openly in their hateful racism.
What really happened is something much more subtle. The KKK guys became sleepers in the Democrat party. Instead of attacking blacks head on with burning crosses and lynchings, they decided to use a mainstream political party as the engine by which they destroyed blacks. As Petruchio did in The Taming of the Shrew, they set out to kill the blacks with kindness. The degradation of American blacks under fifty years of ostensibly well-meaning Democrat social and economic policies isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.
(Bear with me here, ’cause I’m on a roll.)
Despite the horrors of the Jim Crow South, not to mention the pervasive racism across America, blacks in America were actually showing steady, albeit slow, upward mobility. When the government left them alone, blacks started colleges, grew businesses, got married, and had families. Although they were poorer than whites, had more out-of-wedlock children than whites, and had more run-ins with the law than whites, they were moving towards a middle class model. Undoubtedly, this trend could have continued and even accelerated with the passage of civil rights laws that banned discrimination. (And it’s worth remember that the Civil Rights Act didn’t require affirmative federal action; it only banned discrimination.)
Whenever they were left alone, blacks in America proved that Frederick Douglas was right all along when he insisted that the best thing that America could do for blacks would be to leave them alone.
Here’s the interesting thing, though. The moment that the Civil Rights movement seemed to have defeated Jim Crow, the Democrat party swung into action — and refused to leave blacks alone. It gave them affirmative action, which meant that, for fifty years, blacks have been placed in jobs and schools where they cannot perform at the same level as other people (both whites and minorities) who achieved those positions on merit. This gave blacks an inferiority complex, and created in non-blacks the false belief that blacks cannot achieve without a sizable handicap.
The Democrat party also did everything it could to ensure that blacks got government handouts, whether or not they wanted them. Instead of being free people, blacks became junkies dependent on ostensibly “free” money. It sapped initiative and pride.
Worse, welfare made men unnecessary. Black women got a better deal from Uncle Sam, especially if they had lots of children. Black men were reduced to the status of sperm donors. (For many women, men who don’t bring in money are burdensome creatures who leave dirty laundry on the floor and forget to put down the toilet seat.)
With the new welfare status quo, sex for black men was easy, but their entire sense of their manhood was reduced to a biological level dependent on a single organ in their bodies. They were no longer judged by their accomplishments, their earning ability, their status as community role models, or as helpmates and companion. Black men were denied the opportunity to develop honor, loyalty, and morality. Instead, instead, in the hierarchical world of men (and all men are, to a greater or lesser extent, hierarchical in how they view the world), the only measurements by which to judge black men was to look for the biggest gun, whether the man carried it gun in a holster or tuck it into his Calvin Klein whitey-tighties.
So we have a generation of black men who have been cheated of an education and a well-fitting job, whose children and family no longer need them as support, and whose lives revolve around their firing power. It was inevitable that these socially and economically disenfranchised — men disenfranchised by a Democrat-enacted policy — would create a culture centered on themselves and their instant gratification. The engines for achieving these ends have been alcohol, sex, drugs, and violence. These are manly pursuits untempered by the steadying influence of women and children or by a culture that values men.
And what did the Democrats do when black men, as a result of Democrat policies, devolved into a lowest-common denominator culture? They “forgave” them. Instead of exhorting them to rise up, to embrace morality, decency, family, stability, work, accomplishments, and education, the Democrats assured the black men that what they were doing was okay. “Oh, black men,” said the Democrats, “you are not masters of your destiny and captains of your fate. You are the helpless flotsam and jetsam floating about aimlessly on the great ocean of Republican racism. You can’t do anything about your lives and therefore you are not responsible for the harm you do, whether to yourselves, your families, your children, your community, or your country.”
It is a terrible thing that Democrats have done to blacks — and all ostensibly in the name of love.
And that’s when I realized what’s really been going on for all these decades: the Democrats have achieved what the KKK set out to do. Just like Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew, they have succeeded in killing American blacks by kindness:
That is, to watch her, as we watch these kitesThat bate and beat and will not be obedient.She ate no meat today, nor none shall eat.Last night she slept not, nor tonight she shall not.As with the meat, some undeservèd faultI’ll find about the making of the bed,And here I’ll fling the pillow, there the bolster,This way the coverlet, another way the sheets.Ay, and amid this hurly I intendThat all is done in reverend care of her.And, in conclusion, she shall watch all night,And if she chance to nod I’ll rail and brawl,And with the clamor keep her still awake.This is a way to kill a wife with kindness,And thus I’ll curb her mad and headstrong humor.He that knows better how to tame a shrew,Now let him speak; ’tis charity to show.