Tag: Blacks

No institutional racism

Corporate virtue-signaling about institutional racism hides the real problem in black America

America doesn’t have institutional racism. It has a black community that undercuts itself and enablers who allow blacks to blame others for their failings. I know this sounds petty given the outrages on American streets, but one of the things that irritates me most is the corporate virtue signaling that’s

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Democrats Black America Crime

Democrats: Enabling dangerous pathologies in black America

If Dems were parents and black Americans were their children, we would clearly see that Dems are enablers cultivating their children’s worst behaviors. Although I no longer post on my real-me Facebook account, I still lurk periodically. One of the most interesting things about doing so is seeing what my

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Anti-Semitism Democrat Party

Anti-Semitism in the Democrat party: how we got here *UPDATED*

Anti-Semitism in the Democrat party represents a pragmatic confluence of socialism, African-American anti-Semitism, and Islamic anti-Semitism. My sister, who is fairly apolitical, asked me why the Democrat Party is becoming openly anti-Semitic. I’ll give you the same primer I gave her: Antisemitism is baked into the socialist cake because (a)

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