Tag: Jim Crow

The New Jim Snow Laws: The Crime of Defending Yourself While White

Do BLM rioters rule the streets, eclipsing the rights of all other Americans?  Can rogue progressive prosecutors ignore the 2nd Amendment and the right to self-defense?  Those issues go to the heart of the Kyle Rittenhouse case and the new Jim Snow Movement. There is not just a war on

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The Left is wrong about AZ’s proposed law, but religious freedom supporters might have to boycott the Super Bowl to make that point

I’ve mentioned gay marriage once already today as the latest non-issue to roil the left even as the world around us crumbles (a la the 1930s), the American military is reduced (a la the 1930s), and tyrannies are rattling their sabres (a la the 1930s).  Overnight, the same liberal who

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