Tag: Global Warming

Professors Challenge The Canard of Anthropogenic Climate Change

The theory of anthropogenic climate change has no reliable scientific basis Two distinguished Princeton professors, Richard Lindzen, Prof. of Earth Sciences, and William Happer, Prof. of Physics, recently testified before Congress on the SEC’s proposed rule change (taken without any Congressional authority) to make all publicly traded companies adopt climate

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The Bookworm Beat 6-1-15 — the “sunny afternoon edition” and open thread

I’m baaaack! Let me dive right in. The party of “Government, get out of my bedroom!” invades New York bedrooms When it comes to teenage sex and abortion, or just plain old sex and abortion, the Left’s rallying cry for decades has been clear: “Government, get out of the bedroom.”

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The Bookworm Beat 5-14-15 — “Just another busy day” edition and Open Thread

Another day where life got in the way of blogging. Hope these interesting articles compensate for the long silence. What’s she got to complain about? It’s already old news that Michelle Obama — Princeton and Harvard grad, highly paid (but still useless) lawyer; and jet-setting President’s wife — thinks herself

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The Bookworm Beat 4-14-15 — the procrastination edition and open thread

I have work to do today, but no actual deadlines, so naturally I’m procrastinating like crazy. And what better way to do so than to share a few interesting things with you? How about my starting with the most inspirational. I’ll go from the sublime to the ridiculous, which means

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